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Mission Yearbook


World Council of Churches invites youth to 2018 Stewards Program in Geneva

Attendees will experience international ecumenical engagement

January 30, 2018

Stewards at work during the WCC 10th Assembly in Busan.

The World Council of Churches (WCC) is inviting ecumenical youth to be stewards at the 2018 Central Committee in Geneva, Switzerland. With an application deadline of Jan. 31, the Stewards Program aims to bring together a dynamic and diverse group of 20 young people, between the ages of 18 and 30, from all over the world. The program will take place June 5–23. The invitation is open to people from a variety of backgrounds, churches and regions.

“As a diverse community, stewards bring their faith, experiences and visions to an ecumenical experience of togetherness and friendship,” said Joy Eva Bohol, WCC program executive for youth engagement.

 “This is both an opportunity to listen, learn and experience the work of the WCC and its efforts towards Christian unity, and a chance to contribute your own experience, and to dive into the work hands-on. Although the work is often done under tight deadlines and high pressure, it is an opportunity not to be missed,” said Bohol, who served as a steward herself.

English is the working language of the program, and patience, ability to work with people from other countries and cultures, and willingness to work together as a team are key.

Today’s Focus:  World Council of Churches

Let us join in prayer for:

PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff

Barry Creech, PMA

Norma Cunningham, FDN

Let us pray:

Great God, we give you thanks for our young people. May we continue to find ways in our churches, our homes and our communities to gather them, teach them, listen to them and inspire them. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Readings

Morning Psalms 12; 146

First Reading Genesis 21:1-21

Second Reading Hebrews 11:13-22

Gospel Reading John 6:41-51

Evening Psalms 36; 7