Manna: the biblical symbol of ‘enough’
January 3, 2020
Does enough exist? Is there ever enough time, money, sleep, love, faith, justice, energy or peace for us? Why does it feel like we are always lacking in these and other areas of our lives?
While reading Ellen Davis’ “Getting Involved with God,” I was struck by a passage in the chapter “Greed and Prophecy: Numbers 11.”

Numbers 11 is uncomfortable to read because it introduces us to an angry God. This God doesn’t seem like the loving, forgiving God that Jesus was talking about in the New Testament. This God sounds mean and vengeful. But take a moment and try to view it from God’s side.
The Israelites were complaining yet again, even though God had been faithful to God’s promises. Their whining negated everything God had done for them. God had chosen them, rescued them from Pharaoh’s army, accompanied them throughout the desert, took physical form so they could see the Divine Presence and given them food to eat every day — and none of that meant anything to them because they were hungry and wanted something different to eat.
But the worst of it was when the Israelites said that things were better when they were slaves in Egypt. That was it. God was done. God had it up to God’s heavenly eyeballs, so God decided to make a lasting impression. You can read the story, but basically, God says, “You want meat? OK, well here it is, and it will be so plentiful that it will be coming out of your nostrils.” (I’m not kidding about the nostrils part.)
So what is this story about? What are we to gain from it?
I choose to believe that such stories are warnings to people like me. Any good parent loves the child, but also is willing to discipline that child when she goes astray. Our God is that type of God. God is not a pushover. God is a friend, but in reality, we are not equal to God in any way, even though we think we are and know better. And when we begin to think that way, I truly believe that God will step in and show us the error in our limited, fully human logic. If we open our eyes to the many blessings showered down on us, perhaps we can begin to see them and gather them up in baskets — they are just that plentiful.
We have enough. We have manna. Go get your basket and start gathering it up with me.
Rebecca Lister, Associate Professor of Music at Lebanon Valley College in Annville, Pennsylvania
Today's Focus: Trusting in God
Let us join in prayer for:
PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff
Tabatha Peach, Presbyterian Foundation
Charlene Peacock, Office of the General Assembly
Let us pray:
Lord, give us the manna we need today and help us gather it joyfully. It will be enough. We will have enough time. We will have enough to eat. We will have enough to drink. We will have enough everything, and we thank you for that. Forgive us for being like Israelites and complaining incessantly about things we cannot change or do not have. We lay our worries, our fears and our faults at your feet. Instead of complaining, help us do something about the problems in our world. You are faithful, and your justice be done. Amen.