Whenever I Hear Those Drums Beat
A Letter from Claire Zuhosky, serving in Niger
The last five years living and working in Maradi, Niger, have been a blessing and an honor. Serving in Africa was an answer to prayer and fulfilled a deep-seated longing for this land I did not know, and a people I had not met. Serving in this context took several leaps of faith, fervent prayer, a love for all God’s people, and submission to a greater plan, under a higher will. To be God’s hands and feet. I have learned so much about the people of Niger, about myself, and about a God who invites us into partnership so that all tongues and nations may not only one day be represented in heaven but also cherished as many pieces of one body.
I am so thankful for everything that went “right” on the field, as much as for everything that went “wrong,” because I experienced with my own body, emotions, physicality, and spirituality the way God responds and works through the body of Christ across nations to meet our needs, embrace our emotions, heal our physical limitations, and expand our spirituality. There are no limits for our God, no drop zones either. He goes before us in everything, is beside us in everything, and has our six on every mission. There is no greater joy than the closeness to God that comes from being a tool in his hand. How might God be asking you to serve him today?
Having names and faces for the youth of Niger means that for me that they can never be just a statistic again. Seeing firsthand the battle that lies before them each day as they wake up, just to acquire basic needs. Knowing that if circumstances permit, which they seldom do, they might have the time, the resources, the physical and mental strength to contemplate their futures, their dreams and ambitions. These youth are prized possessions of Christ, worthy of all the riches bestowed on a child of God.
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I believe that when God blesses you, it is so you may be a blessing to others, and in so doing you receive the joy, healing, and restoration that comes with such sacrifice. God has blessed me with many kindred spirits in Niger, friends I will have for a long time to come. Friends, I had to travel halfway around the world to know that they were missing in my life, that they were integral to my ministry, and that they were providentially set in place to nurture, to call me to the throne, and to add their voices in faithful worship to our King. Serving in Niger, serving in a greater context of the body of Christ, was a humbling and inspiring experience. Whenever I hear those drums beat, those soothing Nigerien rhythms, I will think back to this experience of a lifetime, and to the bright colors of life dancing before the throne.
I have returned home to the United States and am thankful to have regained my health. I am going through a period of discernment and processing to know where God is calling me to next and in what capacity I can aid the kingdom. I would love to stay connected to mission work in the capacity of a mission pastor or working for a mission agency. I would love to infuse this passion for mission by having the opportunity to expand the ministry locally and globally within a congregation.
There are so many people and organizations I would like to thank for giving me this opportunity. For believing in me, nurturing my call, and acknowledging my gifts and talents. First and foremost, I would like to thank the Evangelical Church of the Republic of Niger (EERN) for extending the invitation to work in partnership with them, for sharing their culture and language, their joys and their hardships, and their utmost service to and love of God. I thank them for all the memories we have shared together, ones that will last a lifetime. Memories that will inspire me to continue to share their story, so that God would expand our reach, our depth, and our workers in this partnership.
I want to thank PC(USA) World Mission for being one of the best organizations I have had the pleasure of working for and serving alongside. For all the personnel at home and mission co-workers in the field who daily inspired me with their extensive service and impact on the field. I want to thank all the supporters who read these newsletters, who prayed, who gave financially to my mission work. Without you, none of this is possible. Without hearts like yours to come home to, building a bridge between two worlds becomes impossible. I want to thank my family and friends for your sacrifices, for your love across miles, for your prayer, and for your faith that enabled me to go where God called.
The work still continues in Niger through my colleagues Michael and Rachel Ludwig and Jodi and Jim McGill. World Mission will also be filling my position, so please be praying for this person as he or she seeks to work with the youth in Niger and for their transition to the field. Please consider supporting these mission co-workers in Niger through financial gifts, following their work, praying for their families, and reading their newsletters. You won’t be disappointed by their miraculous adventures and faithful journeys.
Prayer Requests
That God would show me where in the United States I should live and provide a job that uses my gifts and talents to their fullest. That I would continue to seek God for wisdom and direction during this transition period.
Prayer for my mission colleagues in Niger, that God would bless and protect them, expand their ministries, and provide for their health.
That God would continue to pour blessings over Niger and its people. That the Christians of Niger would continue to grow in number and in depth of relation to God.
That God would raise up strong Christian woman who are able to withstand the scrutiny of others in order to present God’s truth to those able to hear it.
With gratitude,
Please read this important message from José Luis Casal, Director, Presbyterian World Mission
Dear partners in God’s mission,
We near the close of 2018 inspired by the hope of Christ. God is transforming the world, and you are helping to make it happen.
Thank you very much for your support of our mission co-workers. The prayers and financial gifts of people like you enable them to work alongside global partners to address poverty, hopelessness, violence and other pressing problems in the name of Jesus Christ.
Every day, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) mission co-workers are blessed to be able to walk alongside their brothers and sisters across the globe. Listening to each other in faith and in friendship, they learn from each other how to work towards a world in which everyone flourishes. Acting upon what they discover together, PC(USA) mission co-workers and our global partners strengthen the body of Christ.
Because you are an integral part of God’s mission, I invite you to become more deeply committed to Presbyterian World Mission. First, would you make a year-end gift for the sending and support of our mission co-workers? The needs in the world are great, and World Mission is poised to answer God’s call to serve others.
I also invite you to ask your session to add our mission co-workers to your congregation’s prayer list and mission budget for 2019 and beyond. Your multi-year commitment will make a great difference in our involvement with our partners. The majority of our mission co-workers’ funding comes from the special gifts of individuals and congregations like yours, for God’s mission is a responsibility of the whole church, not a particular area of the church. Now more than ever, we need your financial support!
In faith, our mission co-workers accept a call to mission service. In faith, World Mission, representing the whole church and you, sends them to work with our global partners. In faith, will you also commit to support this work with your prayers and financial gifts? With hope and faith, I await your positive response!
At God’s service and at your service!
José Luis Casal
P.S. Your gift will help meet critical needs of our global partners. Thank you!