What A Warm Welcome!
A letter from Claire Zuhosky serving in Niger
After having experienced a productive, revitalizing, and engaging Interpretation Assignment, I find myself embraced once again by my friends and family in Christ here in Niger. It has been my joy to relay the greetings of the United States with the members of the church here, bringing them the peace, love, and grace of Jesus Christ.
Since my arrival I have been very busy, visiting with friends and members of the church who are eager to hear about my time at home. I have been meeting with President Kadade of the Evangelical Church of the Republic of Niger (EERN) as well as other leaders of the church to discuss a plan of action for this year of ministry. Lastly I have been doing repairs to my house and vehicle so that they are in working order.
The passing of intahiya is a tradition in Niger, in which a person who has traveled brings a small gift to share upon return to their family and friends. It can be as simple as soap, or new shoes, or bread, or a game. In receiving the gift, the person knows they were not forgotten. When I saw that one of the leaders of the church emailed asking me to “bring back sage” I wanted to honor this tradition and show my vast respect for this family man, so I bought a whole lot of sage, only to find out that my brother was saying return safely, “bring back safe.” We enjoyed a good laugh together to say the least!
On August 21 I had the honor of presenting the church of Makedoniya a gift sent by Hebron Presbyterian Church in Clinton, Pa. Pastor Idrissa, the congregation, and its musicians were overjoyed to receive an acoustic guitar with an electronic pickup for plugging into an amplifier when desired. This will aid them in their worship. The pastor stated that though we have come into relationship with each other only recently, our bond existed long before through the body of Christ. The congregation thanked God for this gift and prayed the Lord’s blessings upon the congregations in the United States that support our ministry.
I am excited to be attending two weddings in the upcoming days and months, since I have a personal connection to the happy couples. One bride is the daughter of my house helper and the other bride is a dear friend of mine from church. Another mission co-worker and I were asked to help decorate the cake, and it was so fun to participate in this way. This cooler time of year is perfect for weddings in Niger, but we must pray for no rain at least until after the service. Judging by the current rainy season, that would be nothing less than a miracle!
I am greatly looking forward to starting my next level of French language courses. I am preparing for an exam in November, when I hope to complete the fourth of six levels. It will be wonderful to see my teacher and fellow classmates once again. I would also like to start taking Hausa language lessons as well, so that I can improve my ability to relate to my colleagues in their mother tongue.
I want to sincerely thank all the people who have given so generously to our ministry here in Niger. God’s provision, through your generosity, allows us all to be a part of our partnership with the youth of Niger. Please prayerfully consider giving financially to this ministry and let the Lord set the boundaries of our achievement.
Prayer Requests:
• For the youth of Niger that the Lord would continue to grow the relationships He has blossomed so that we may grow deep roots of ministry. For the year ahead, opportunities to evangelize through sports activities, youth gatherings, and drama presentations.
• My French exam in November, to complete the fourth of six levels of language study.
• Opportunities to use my gifts of photography and video to help aid the communication goals of the EERN.
• For my transportation needs. The vehicle I am using has not been very reliable, but I am committed to having it repaired and using it for as long as possible during my time here.
Your Sister in Christ,
Claire Zuhosky, M.Div.
Youth Center Development Specialist