Take part in "Tread Lightly for Lent" this Lenten season. Learn about eco-justice and take action to care for God's earth.
Each day items from "Tread Lightly for Lent" will be posted on our Facebook page and blog. Download the full "Tread Lightly for Lent" Calendar. Share about your journey while Treading Lightly for Lent in the comment section here, or go to the Environmental Ministries Facebook page.
Lent is a time to reflect on what it means to live based on Christ’s ministry. As part of this reflection we repent, often giving up an item or two that we consider a treat. This Lenten Calendar urges us to take this spiritual discipline a step further: to refrain from some practices that damage God’s earth, while learning about earth care issues and taking action that will honor Christ’s teachings about caring for creation.
Throughout the season of Lent we will learn about eco-justice (assuring justice for creation and all humans that live in it) and be challenged to take action on the issues of waste, energy, water, consumption, and food. There are ideas for action by congregations as well as individuals.
Our call to eco-justice is rooted in the human vocation of tilling and keeping the garden (Genesis 2:15) and Christ’s teachings to work on behalf of the most vulnerable, for environmental impacts are felt most by those living in poverty. The more we do our part to till and keep the garden, the more we work for eco-justice.
Day 1: Ash Wednesday
Prepare your heart and mind to “Tread Lightly for Lent.” Share your plans for this Lenten Season with your family and your congregation. Urge others to join you on the journey.
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