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Toxic Toys

I was sent the following action alert from the National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Program.  Please take a few moments to ask Congress to protect children's health from toxic toys.

Christmas is about celebrating the birth of the Christ and all his life promised for us. It is also an opportunity to gather with loved ones and to see the delight in a child’s eyes when she receives a new toy.

But not all toys bring joy.Some toys contain harmful neurotoxins and reproductive toxicants such as lead, tin, PVC, cadmium, and phthalates that can harm a child’s health. Four years ago, young Jarnell Brown died from swallowing a lead-based charm that came with Reebok shoes. In 2008, Congress passed important legislation to set safer lead limits and ban phthalates from children’s toys. Yet some toys still contain harmful levels of these chemicals. Even when lead and phthalates are removed, they are sometimes replaced equally dangerous chemicals.

It is time that industry stop toying with children’s health. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus and gather with our families, help ensure that Christmas toys and other products are safe for all God's children. We need chemicals to be safe before they end up in gifts under the Christmas tree. As you make or purchase gifts this month, please ask Congress to protect children's health going into 2011.

Many blessings in this season of Advent and light,
Chloe Schwabe
NCC Environmental Health Program Manager


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