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Tending the Flock

A Letter from David and Sue Hudson, serving in Japan

Fall 2022

“For just as the body is one and has many members,

and all the members of the body,

 though many, are one body,

 so it is with Christ.”

I Corinthians 12:12

 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Every Sunday we worship with a small tight-knit congregation started by the Japan Mission and within walking distance of Yodogawa Christian Hospital. This dedicated group faithfully gathers Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. Most who attend have some relation to the hospital, either as employees or people who have received care.

Osaka Church

Ms. Moro, third from the left in the picture, gives us “phonetic copies” of the Lord’s Prayer, The Apostles’ Creed and the hymns to sing each Sunday. Even though our Japanese language skills are minimal, we feel more a part of worship every Sunday because of her kindness! The service is a traditional Presbyterian service, with communion on the first Sunday of every month, two hymns and prayers.

Rev. Abe, at the far left in the picture, is the part-time pastor who also serves as a chaplain at the hospital. He mentioned in a sermon that he felt called to begin his journey as a pastor when he was 27 years old. One of his college teachers introduced him to work at the YMCA, but he felt called to study theology, which led him into ministry. Rev. Abe has a great singing voice and even though we wear masks in worship, I can hear him singing his heartfelt praises to God every Sunday.

Ms. Chie Muroi, a nurse at the hospital, plays the organ. She begins with a prelude, hymns, an offertory selection, and a postlude; however, we do not stand while singing and everyone still wears masks throughout the service. Because of COVID, there h...

There are currently 26 members on the roll with an average attendance of about 12-15 people with 5-10 viewing the service online. Services last about 40 minutes and are recorded, so patients and/or their families in the hospital can view them. Our pastor lives an hour and a half away, so he sleeps at the church every Saturday night to lead worship on Sunday mornings.

On November 6, the Osaka Church held their 10:00 a.m. Sunday morning service in the hospital chapel, which accommodates more participants, to honor the saints who have departed this life in recent years. Rev. Abe invited Sue to share a few words of encouragement following the service with the families of the deceased who were invited to join us for that worship service. Although we do not know the families, and most of them are not Christians, Sue shared words of comfort and support on that day. This is one way the Osaka Church seeks to comfort all who grieve lost loved ones, even those who do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ

Only about one percent of Japan’s population is Christian. Like many congregations, Osaka Church members are primarily older people. The past three years of COVID lockdown have taken a toll. However, Christianity has played a crucial role in shaping Japanese identity for more than four centuries when Francis Xavier introduced the Gospel. There have been seasons of both growth and decline. Through it all, Christianity has helped to establish many schools and hospitals which serve the whole population in the name of Jesus.

Mr. Toshio Onai manages the Japan Mission, works at the hospital and serves as the manager of the Chaplains’ Office.

Mr. Toshio Onai manages the Japan Mission office. He also works at the hospital and has recently been appointed to serve as the manager of the Chaplains’ Office. He is a committed Christian who works diligently with finances, interpersonal relationships, and international partnerships with other Christian hospitals in Asia. He has a heart for God’s mission. We are grateful for his presence and the difference he is making everywhere he shows up!

I am reminded of the song we used to sing growing up: “I am the church; you are the church; we are the church together. All who follow Jesus, all around the world, yes, we’re the church together!” The health of churches is intimately connected with the health of every member of the body of Christ. During this season we are grateful for the opportunity to be together: re-membered, re-connected, and renewed, after difficult years of isolation.

Prayer Requests for Japan Mission and Yodogawa Christian Hospital:

  • For God to renew the health of churches in Japan.
  • For the Hospital Chaplaincy Program to be strengthened.
  • For the Japan Mission’s restructuring to continue.
  • For the Hospital’s launching of a “Free and Low-Cost Clinic” – to serve the needs of more people in the community.
  • For hospital employees, especially after several intense years of COVID Pandemic, not to be overwhelmed or overworked.
  • For the leaders and personnel of the Hospital and Japan Mission to be given wisdom about the best way to move forward with their mission of “Whole Person Healing.”

Please join us in these prayers. With gratitude for your support, we remain,

Your partners in Christ’s Service,

David and Sue Hudson

2-5-11-202 Mikage

Higashinada Ku

Kobe 658-0047


Please read the following letter from Rev. Mienda Uriarte, acting director of World Mission:

Dear Partners in God’s Mission,

What an amazing journey we’re on together! Our call to be a Matthew 25 denomination has challenged us in so many ways to lean into new ways of reaching out. As we take on the responsibilities of dismantling systemic racism, eradicating the root causes of poverty and engaging in congregational vitality, we find that the Spirit of God is indeed moving throughout World Mission. Of course, the past two years have also been hard for so many as we’ve ventured through another year of the pandemic, been confronted with racism, wars and the heart wrenching toll of natural disasters. And yet, rather than succumb to the darkness, we are called to shine the light of Christ by doing justice, loving kindness and walking humbly with God.

We are so grateful that you are on this journey as well. Your commitment enables mission co-workers around the world to accompany partners and share in so many expressions of the transformative work being done in Christ’s name. Thank you for your partnership, prayers and contributions to their ministries.

We hope you will continue to support World Mission in all the ways you are able:

Give – Consider making a year-end financial contribution for the sending and support of our mission personnel (E132192). This unified fund supports the work of all our mission co-workers as they accompany global partners in their life-giving work. Gifts can also be made “in honor of” a specific mission co-worker – just include their name on the memo line.

Pray – Include PC(USA) mission personnel and global partners in your daily prayers. If you would like to order prayer cards as a visual reminder of those for whom you are praying, please contact Cindy Rubin (; 800-728-7228, ext. 5065).

Act – Invite a mission co-worker to visit your congregation either virtually or in person. Contact to make a request or email the mission co-worker directly. Email addresses are listed on Mission Connections profile pages. Visit to search by last name.

Thank you for your consideration! We appreciate your faithfulness to God’s mission through the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).



Rev. Mienda Uriarte, Acting Director

World Mission

Presbyterian Mission Agency

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

To give, please visit

For it is the God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6