Use this card as you pray for mission co-worker Rev. Sarah Henken. This card includes a photo and overview of her work. Sarah’s work as regional liaison focuses on building stronger and healthier connections in God’s mission. She serves as a bridge linking various mission participants: PC(USA) partner organizations in the Andean region; mission personnel who serve there; World Mission and other national PC(USA) offices; and US congregations and presbyteries interested in God’s mission in the Andean region. Sarah’s understanding of partnership is shaped by the Spanish word used for the concept in her region: hermanamiento. Built on the root word for sister/brother, hermanamiento evokes the process of becoming, in word and deed, sisters and brothers in Christ. Sarah is based in Colombia and cultivates PC(USA) partnerships there as well as in Bolivia, Peru, and Venezuela.
Agency: Presbyterian Mission Agency
Tags: andean region, prayer card, sarah henken
Topics: Andean Region, Colombia, Mission Connections