Perceive the power! webinar (Powerpoint)
August 5, 2010
Perceive the power! Understanding racial and social privilege in mission relationships
We strive for mission partnerships where those involved engage one another with respect, dignity and mutuality. Yet our gender, race, social class, place of birth and the resources to which we have access serve as undercurrents for our relationships at home and around the world. What power dynamics come into play in intercultural mission relationships? How can we learn to be aware of these dynamics, and how can we best handle them? This Perceive the power! Webinar will go deeper into the ways we exercise power and privilege in mission relationships.
The "God’s Mission Matters" Webinars from Presbyterian World Mission give you the opportunity to be a part of a live, interactive conversation once a month about how to engage more faithfully and effectively in God’s mission. Global partners, mission workers, short-term mission leaders and mission participants are just some of the panelists you’ll find online each month in the Webinars, talking about both insightful and practical ways we can participate in mission.