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Peace & Global Witness Leader’s Guide

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“So he came and proclaimed peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near.” —Ephesians 2:14-17

The letter to the Ephesians tells us that Jesus came to proclaim a peace that is universal. While the earthly ministry of Jesus was in a specific age and place, the peace he shared is limited by neither time nor geography. As followers of Christ, our call to witness/work for peace begins in our own neighborhoods and extends to the ends of the earth. This Leader’s Guide contains resources to help you and your congregation in supporting the Peace & Global Witness Offering this World Communion Sunday.

This Offering exists to support the holistic and wide-ranging witness of the whole church. For generations, and to the ends of the earth, Presbyterians have borne witness to Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. Our witness has been profound in our own communities and in places we ourselves have never been, around the corner and around the world.

Published Date
Jul 11, 2017