Moderator Candidate Booklet - 226th General Assembly (2024)
Dear Commissioner or Advisory Delegate:
As outlined in the Manual of the General Assembly, one of the responsibilities of the Stated Clerk is to provide to commissioners and advisory delegates an electronic packet of information about each candidate who is standing for the Office of Moderator. For this assembly, we have two sets of Co-Moderator candidates.
This booklet contains the following information for all candidates standing for Co-Moderator of the 226th General Assembly (2024): photographs, biographical information, personal statement regarding the candidate’s sense of call to the office, a written presentation by the presbytery having jurisdiction over the candidate (if that council has endorsed them), and the candidate’s responses to a questionnaire developed by the Stated Clerk. The “Sense of Call” and questions and responses the candidates have chosen have been translated into Korean and Spanish and may be found at the end of the document.
The candidates have chosen the layout for their material within the space limitations provided.
In addition to getting to know the candidates via their booklets, The Presbyterian Outlook will be hosting “Gathering Voices: A Conversation with Moderator Candidates” on Thursday, June 6, 7:00 pm ET. To learn more about this free event, register, and receive the Zoom link, click here.
The booklet will also be available on
The election of the Co-Moderators will take place during the plenary session of the General Assembly on Saturday evening, June 30, 2024. The process that will be used can be found in Standing Rule H.1.c.(4). God’s blessings to you as you continue to pray and prepare for the General Assembly.
In the faith that we share,
Bronwen W. Boswell
Acting Stated Clerk
Office of the General Assembly
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
(as of May 20, 2024)