1983년 미국 장로교는 '평화 증진에의 헌신'을 도입하였다. 그 이후로 4,500개 이상의 교회와 기관들이 이를 받아들여 사용하였고, 신실하고 창의적인 평화와 정의의 사역을 이루었다.
제 204차 총회(1992)는 총회 자체를 위해서 본 지침서를 채택했을 뿐 아니라, 미국장로교 교회나 산하기관에서도 갈등과 불일치가 일어날 때 사용하도록 했다. 이 지침은 서로 다름을 성장과 은혜와 이해의 기회로 바꾸는 방식을 단순명료하게 보여주고 있다. 이 지침을 사용한다고 해서 갈등 발생 자체를 막을 수는 없다. 하지만, 개방적이고 유용하며 건설적인 분위기를 형성하여, 사랑 안에서 차이점을 이야기하고 서로 다름을 이해하도록 노력하게 될 것이다.
La 204ª Asamblea General (1992) adoptó las normas para su propia vida y presentó este recurso a las congregaciones y otros grupos de la Iglesia Presbiteriana para ayudarles a manejar los conflictos y desacuerdos cuando ocurren. Las normas ofrecen sugerencias claras y simples para lidiar con las diferencias, transformándolas en oportunidades de crecimiento, gracia y comprensión. Aunque el uso de estas normas no puede evitar que se produzcan conflictos, generarán un clima abierto, útil y constructivo, donde las diferencias se pueden conversar con amor y escuchar con comprensión.
The neighborhoods around our homes and our faith community gathering places are the heart of our ministries. If we are to live out the Matthew 25 vision we should understand our communities. This QuickSheet provides you with a template and ideas to plan an experience and worship service around your neighborhoods.
Call to Worship, prayers and hymns to be used by congregations for a Martin Luther King Jr. Day worship service.
South Sudan Education and Peacebuilding Project (SSEPP) 3rd Quarter Summary Report
This promotional graphic can be used in church newsletters, social media, or your church website in the lead up to #GivingTuesday. The graphic is available in multiple sizes: 600x225, 620x300, 851x315, 940x788, 1024x51, and 1200x300. The download button below provides sample text to include in your promotion. Download
Welcome to a study of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. This leader guide is intended to accompany the Second Edition of the “Study and Devotional Guide on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.” It is a tool to help introduce groups to these goals and to explore them more deeply with the hope that persons, together and as individuals, may find meaningful ways to engage the goals and take action. In his letter of introduction to the Second Edition, Ryan D. Smith, director of the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations, notes that the resource gives us a snapshot into …
Between the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the Reformed Church in America, and the United Church of Christ on Entering into Full Communion on the Basis of A Common Calling
In 1997 four churches of Reformation heritage will act on an ecumenical proposal of historic importance. The timing reflects a doctrinal consensus which has been developing over the past thirty-two years coupled with an increasing urgency for the church to proclaim a gospel of unity in contemporary society. In light of identified doctrinal consensus, desiring to bear visible witness to the unity of the Church, and hearing the call to engage together in God's mission, it is recommended:
That the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the Reformed Church in America, and the United Church of Christ declare on the basis of A Common Calling and their adoption of this A Formula of Agreement that they are in full communion with one another. Thus, each church is entering into or affirming full communion with three other churches.
The Companion Guide to the Commitment to Peacemaking accompanies the Commitment to Peacemaking. It assists congregations, mid councils and theological institutions as they make, reaffirm and deepen their commitment to peacemaking. The Guide outlines a unique process of worship, spiritual grounding and reflection, community building and partnership, study and preparation, and direct action and advocacy, Presbyterians are invited to engage in an intentional “development” of their peacemaking work and witness. It provides a set of original and curated resources, designed to help Presbyterians engage a peacemaking area of emphasis of their choosing: poverty, violence, racism, climate change, or immigration/migration.