This sample application for Commissioned Ruling Elders comes from John Knox Presbytery
This sample application for commissioned ruling elders comes from Eastern Oklahoma Presbytery
Use this matrix to decide why and when to use a CLP
Description on how to perform the service for commissioning a lay pastor.
Part II of the study on Commissioned Ruling Elders, commissioned by the Office of Ordered Ministries and Certification in partnership with COTE, involves a close look at the variety of Commissioned Ruling Elders education programs offered by presbyteries, seminaries, colleges and others. The second part of the study was produced by the Center for the Study of Theological Education at Auburn Seminary.
A sample covenant with a commissioned lay pastor.
Guidelines for Mentors of Commissioned Lay Pastors, adapted from the Presbytery of West Virginia.
Part I of the study of Commissioned Lay Pastors is a survey of presbyteries about CLPs. It was completed by PC(USA) Research Services.
Part I of the study of Commissioned Lay Pastors is a survey of presbyteries about CLPs. It was completed by PC(USA) Research Services.
Celebrate accomplishments in leader development through Opening Doors to Discipleship by awarding certificates of participation in or completion of each course.
Print these certificates in color or black and white. Use these samples to fill out and award forms to members in your congregation.