The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is already present in public education through students, educators, and staff. Historically, the church has been a pioneer in the development and support of public education. In recent decades the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has been especially concerned about child sexual abuse. "Turn Mourning into Dancing! A Policy Statement on Healing Domestic Violence," approved by the 213th General Assembly (2001), defines child sexual abuse and determines that it "violates God's commandments to love God and love our neighbor." This policy calls for ministering first to victims of abuse and then to the violators.
Our society has something never before seen in human history, aging on a mass scale. This report reaffirms the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)'s support of policies to assure the coonomic security of older adults, and provide an even broader vision of a just society with prosperity and security for people of all ages.
God's good gift of life does not come without God's guidance, guidance carried in the scriptures of Old and New Testaments and interpreted in our Confessions of Faith. As medical science has reduced pain and permitted longer life through the discovery of countless new therapies and treatments, the duration and enjoyment of human life have been extended for literally billions of people. Our conviction of God's abiding presence has accompanied this process, deepened by our Reformed Christian appreciation for the role of science in healing, and our pastoral sense that our wholeness in Christ co-exists within the- sometimes tragic-- range …
COMMUNITY RESOURCE Funding Sources with Descriptions Spanish
Community resources Funding Sources with Descriptions
In our time of economic crisis, the churches have an answer, a constructive vision of the directions needed for a fairer society and a healthier world. This non-doctrinal Social Creed is a positive framework for needed new thinking and action by individuals, institutions and government itself, all of which are called to serve the common good. It embodies the prophetic heart for justice, which insists that all persons must be treated equally and that societies are judged by how they treat their weakest members.
In our time of economic crisis, the churches have an answer, a constructive vision of the directions needed for a fairer society and a healthier world. This non-doctrinal Social Creed is a positive framework for needed new thinking and action by individuals, institutions and government itself, all of which are called to serve the common good. It embodies the prophetic heart for justice, which insists that all persons must be treated equally and that societies are judged by how they treat their weakest members.
In our time of economic crisis, the churches have an answer, a constructive vision of the directions needed for a fairer society and a healthier world. This non-doctrinal Social Creed is a positive framework for needed new thinking and action by individuals, institutions and government itself, all of which are called to serve the common good. It embodies the prophetic heart for justice, which insists that all persons must be treated equally and that societies are judged by how they treat their weakest members."
The subject of boycotts is charged with strong emotions for many people. Therefore, the issues are difficult to define with absolute clarity. The following is presented in the hope that this paper will serve as a step toward defining the various dimensions of boycott as a method and provide criteria for evaluation of boycotts. It should be remembered that such deliverances, even when passed by the General Assembly, are "ministerial and declarative" (FG 3 1.07) in their guidance. Their purpose is to bring the force of God's love and justice to bear upon the consciences of the members of Christ's …
Divestment of holdings in a particular firm or class of firms is both part of the normal management of funds and potentially an occasion for Christian witness to God's call for justice and the renewal of society.