DatoVeloz #4 - Jovenes como lideres de la ninez
July 2014
1001 initiative is a hit!
YAAD Gatherings will be open to speakers on Sunday, June 15th; Monday, June 16th; Wednesday, June 18th; and Thursday, June 19th. Each group will be given 3-5 minutes. The YAADs will meet at the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center in Ontario East. We will make every effort to insure that all group representatives are given an opportunity to speak. However, depending upon the number of groups and the allotted time, we do not guarantee this provision. In order to understand the purpose and format of the YAAD Gatherings, all speakers are asked to read "The Role of an Observer" and follow …
This sample includes the table of contents, series introduction, and essays for Mark 1: 1-11 in Feasting on the Gospels—Mark. Feasting on the Gospels is a new seven-volume series that follows up on the success of the Feasting on the Word series to provide another trusted preaching resource, this time on the most prominent and preached upon most preached upon books in the Bible: the four Gospels.
The Comparative Statistics report is published annually in the fall and summarizes data on membership, finances and ministers provided by each congregation to the Office of the General Assembly via the Session Annual Statistical Report. The report compares annual statistics to show trends in areas such as membership gains and losses, receipts and expenditures, and number of ministers.
In this issue, you will meet Racial Ethnic leaders who are transforming the church even as they are themselves being transformed. You will learn about significant issues and initiatives that relate to racial ethnic congregations and interest groups, exciting new additions to our ministry staff, and General Assembly events.
Ten ways to impact education quality.
The winning video of the 2014 Pentecost Offering Video Contest is from the talented young people of Parkway Presbyterian Church in Corpus Christi, Texas.
In exchange for their efforts in this creative endeavor, the Parkway youth group will receive three paid registrations for a future youth event of their choice, including the 2016 Presbyterian Youth Triennium or next Faith in 3D event in Orlando.
Please help us provide additional opportunities for our youth by making a gift to the Pentecost Offering!
Video can be viewed streaming here.
Estas ayudas litúrgicas semanales están basadas en el Leccionario Común Revisado. Este recurso, en español e inglés, tiene como objetivo el brindar apoyo al ministerio de las iglesias cuyo servicio de adoración es en español o bilingüe, y provee sugerencias y enlaces en dónde buscar otros recursos para complementar la adoración de la iglesia.
Si le interesa saber cuando estos materiales están disponibles puede subscribirse al boletín electrónico de Recursos y relaciones aquí. Si desea obtener más información sobre recursos en español, puede ir a esta página. …
2013 miscellaneous information about statistics.