In an effort to continue to embody the welcoming and inclusive kin-dom of God, we have created this resource to be a helpful tool for churches, mid councils, educational bodies and individuals. This resource was created with LGBTQIA+ people with a lens on diversity and intersectionality. May this resource be an effective tool for the spread of the gospel to all people.
The following is a collection of resources that may be helpful in the advancement of inclusion and diversity. This is not an exhaustive list. It is simply a starting point and covers a variety of subject areas. This resource was complied with the help of LGBTQIA+ voices and will be updated yearly.
A New Way of Looking at Youth Ministry....These days in ministry we are called to be explorers, which requires us to be brave, wonder, and try new things. As we discern how best to minister to and with our youth today, we find some things will work and others will not. Ministering to young people today is a “less is more” strategy and God is showing up in all places.
An Excellent Update on the Tired Lock-Ins of Old - Hosting a Late Night is a brilliant alternative! You can get so much of the good stuff that you would from a lock-in with none of the terrible things.
The 222nd General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) (2016) called upon the denomination and its membership to engage in a prayerful study of the Palestinian civil society call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS). Since its inception in 2005, the call for BDS has become a focal point in the conversation and advocacy efforts relating to the conflict in Israel-Palestine. The conflict in Israel-Palestine, and how we as Presbyterians should respond, has caused deep divisions within our denomination. It is our prayer that this resource will help create constructive conversation across the divide and encourage respect and close consideration …
La adoración es una parte central de nuestra identidad: reunirnos y celebrar como la comunidad de La gente de Dios. En esta guía, hemos proporcionado recursos de adoración que corresponden con las tres sesiones de la Guía de estudio grupal. El tema central es "¿Cuándo te vimos?" basado en Mateo 25:31-46. Los subtemas y las escrituras correspondientes para las sesiones son "Ver y ser visto” (Salmo 139), “Conocer y ser conocido” (Lucas 24:13-35), y “Bendecir y ser bendecido” (Salmo 23 y Juan 10:1-16). Cada sesión incluye un servicio de adoración de apertura y una reunión de adoración de cierre que …
2021 Comparative Summaries of Statistics
2020 Comparative Summaries of Statistics