A través de su apoyo a la ofrenda de Pentecostés, la Iglesia Parkway ha marcado las vidas de sus jóvenes.
Cuando usted dona a la Ofrenda de Pentecostés, usted está ayudando a proporcionar oportunidades para que los jóvenes crezcan y compartan su fe en Cristo.
In this workshop, we will look at how a concept of “eco-justice” encompasses ecological, economic, and social justice for all people on a thriving earth. Particular attention will be given to how environmental racism and classism affect economic well-being, for individuals and communities, in the States and around the world.
This resource provides an overview of what actions could be viewed as disobedience and the serious responsibility and legal consequences that comes with those acts as mid councils, congregations, and members discern how to be the church to all of God’s children. In the resource, law is quoted and followed by a list of the various ways different courts have interpreted the law.
Brief descriptions of Holy Week Services from the forthcoming Book of Common worship revision from the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation.
In this workshop, we will look at how a concept of “eco-justice” encompasses ecological, economic, and social justice for all people on a thriving earth. Particular attention will be given to how environmental racism and classism affect economic well-being, for individuals and communities, in the States and around the world.
Churchwide Antiracism Policy
Ruling elders are called to ministry in partnership with teaching elders. Within this calling, ruling elders have responsibilities in several areas of the life of the church including exercise in leadership, governance, spiritual discernment, and discipline.
Ruling elders are called to ministry in partnership with teaching elders. Within this calling, ruling elders have responsibilities in several areas of the life of the church including exercise in leadership, governance, spiritual discernment, and discipline.
Ruling elders are called to ministry in partnership with teaching elders. Within this calling, ruling elders have responsibilities in several areas of the life of the church including exercise in leadership, governance, spiritual discernment, and discipline.