How would you like to help form the faith of your children, youth, young adults, adults, families, and neighbors in ways that are life-giving, relevant, and practical? Often the first step is to talk about it; you simply have to “put it out there” and “start the conversation!”
Our Sunday School wasn't working: A "Case Study" of One Church's shift to try a new approach and some other alternative Sunday School ideas
You know it; we all know it: the church competes in this season with the cultural push to buy, do, and rush, but our faith tells us to wait, prepare, and reflect. It can easily become overwhelming for families and teens to try to be all and do all that is expected of them to observe both a religious Christmas and a secular Christmas.
It’s always fun to start the new school year and youth group year with a special event. Here are some "classics" as well as some new ideas
On November 1, All Saints’ Day is a day we celebrate believers of every time. It’s often a day we honor the faithful who have died during the past year in our own church communities. It’s a day of gratefulness for those that have passed away who shared their faith with us, and a time to reflect on how we can continue to share our faith with others.
The 2018 Worship Resources include: Readings Call to Worship Opening Prayer Call to Confession Prayer of Confession Assurance of Pardon Call to Offering Prayer of Dedication Invitation to the Lord’s Table Prayer after Communion Charge and Blessing Prepared by: Rev. Holly and Rev. Kaci Clark-Porter
너를 일컬어 무너진 데를 보수하는 자라 할 것이라 이사야
교회가 그리스도의 사랑을 나누기에 지금 우리 주위에서 일어나고 있습니다. 위대한 나눔의 한 시간은 장로교인들이 매년 더 좋은 세상을 위하여 일하기 위해 모이는 가장 큰 단일 방법입니다.
The church is happening right now, all around us — because we share Christ’s love. One Great Hour of Sharing is the single, largest way that Presbyterians come together every year.