This resolution is based on the theology, ethics, and social policy stated in the report, Restoring Creation for Ecology and Justice, adopted by the 202nd General Assembly (1990). This resolution is an effort to build on that report to keep the environmental policy of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) current and to address issues that have arisen since the report was adopted.
The theology in the 1990 report is God-centered and speaks of a God who comes to judge the people for tilling without keeping, to deliver the vulnerable earth, and to restore the joy of creation. The theology is neither human-centered nor nature-centered, but deeply concerned about both human beings, other species, and their ecosystems as good creations of God.
Ten years later the theology of the PC(USA) remains God-centered. Presbyterians hold that God created the universe. Presbyterians do not claim to know exactly how this happened, rather however it happened that the God who is revealed in Jesus Christ as love, compassion, and justice was there to behold it and marvel at its goodness.
Agency: Office of the General Assembly
Ministries: Office of the General Assembly
Tags: creation, office of the general assembly, resources, water
Topics: Advocacy