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2011 General Assembly Divestment List (long version)

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The General Assembly military-related divestment policy was first adopted in 1982, and has been revised three times since then. The most recent revision was made by the 1998 General Assembly. This policy is an outgrowth of the General Assembly=s adoption of Peacemaking: A Believer=s Calling which asked the entire church to review its witness and seek additional ways to promote peacemaking. MRTI conducted a review of its engagements with military-related companies, and developed guidelines consistent with the historic concerns of the General Assembly. These included concern about the overall spending on the military, over-dependence on military contracts by a company, and weapons that do not distinguish between combatants and non-combatants. Later amendments stemmed from General Assembly actions on foreign military sales and land mines.

Published Date
Dec 29, 2010