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A letter from Sharon Bryant in the U.S., on Interpretation Assignment from Thailand

March 2017

Dear Friends,

After my long journey through the United States of America last year I did not expect to find myself back in the U.S.A. such a short time later, but what a blessing this journey of two months has been! I was able to share stories of this ministry with the faithful in Washington State. I have discovered new congregations east of I-35 who are passionate about mission and eager to support Christian Volunteers in Thailand (CVT). And I have connected with Thai Presbyterian congregations in the U.S.A. for the first time, incredible as it may seem, and shared stories about this ministry to Thai children with them as well. I come away re-energized for God’s work in Thailand and uplifted by the prayers of those who have joined the circle of CVT prayer warriors in the U.S.A. Just as an added delight, I also witnessed the blooming of azaleas and blue bonnets in Texas—a breathtaking sight every spring!

[ngg_images source="galleries" container_ids="178" exclusions="15,16,17,18,19,20,337,338,339" display_type="photocrati-nextgen_pro_film" override_thumbnail_settings="0" thumbnail_width="240" thumbnail_height="160" thumbnail_crop="0" images_per_page="2" image_spacing="5" border_size="1" frame_size="20" border_color="#CCCCCC" frame_color="#FFFFFF" ngg_triggers_display="always" captions_enabled="0" captions_display_sharing="1" captions_display_title="1" captions_display_description="1" captions_animation="slideup" order_by="sortorder" order_direction="ASC" returns="included" maximum_entity_count="500"]Meanwhile, the work in Thailand continues. In January Mr. Worapod Sereerattanakul and I took the 12 CVT volunteers who are currently serving down to South Thailand for a retreat near Trang. We studied the book Working with the Thais, which explores how cultural differences create challenges in the workplace and in ministry with the help of two experts, Rev. Sayam Muangsak and Ms. Wararat Chaisuk. We also visited one of our partner church’s 30 private Christian schools, Trang Christian Suksa. The CVT volunteers led a one-day English Camp for 200 Thai children, singing Christian songs, teaching basic concepts like prepositions and opposites, and helping them learn a little more about the 10 countries of ASEAN, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

Speaking of ASEAN, I want to take some time in this letter to explain why World Mission of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) continues to support the work of our partner church, the Church of Christ in Thailand (a national, ecumenical Protestant church that is not affiliated with the Church of Christ denomination in the U.S.A.), and continues to seek volunteers to serve as English teachers for Thai children in the CCT Christian schools. I think I can do it in two charts. First this one:

[ngg_images source="galleries" container_ids="184" exclusions="15,16,17,18,19,20,337,338,339" display_type="photocrati-nextgen_pro_blog_gallery" override_image_settings="0" image_quality="100" image_crop="0" image_watermark="0" image_display_size="800" image_max_height="0" spacing="5" border_size="3" border_color="#FFFFFF" display_captions="1" caption_location="below" ngg_triggers_display="always" captions_enabled="0" captions_display_sharing="0" captions_display_title="0" captions_display_description="0" captions_animation="slideup" order_by="sortorder" order_direction="ASC" returns="included" maximum_entity_count="500"]This chart shows that Christians represent a very small percentage of the population of Thailand—1.2 percent, as shown in the second bar in the chart. When I was a child the percentage was only 0.5 percent. The percentage has more than doubled in my lifetime, even with a much larger population. The work of those early missionaries continues to bear fruit to the glory of God! The work of the CVT volunteers is, first, to proclaim of love and grace of God to the many children who study in these schools and, second, to teach English, which is a language that is critical for the future of Thailand and all of its people.

Why English? Because English is the official language of ASEAN, which is an economic community like the European Union, operating in Southeast Asia and claiming Thailand as one of its 10 member nations. Which takes me to the second chart:

[ngg_images source="galleries" container_ids="185" exclusions="15,16,17,18,19,20,337,338,339" display_type="photocrati-nextgen_pro_blog_gallery" override_image_settings="0" image_quality="100" image_crop="0" image_watermark="0" image_display_size="800" image_max_height="0" spacing="5" border_size="0" border_color="#FFFFFF" display_captions="1" caption_location="below" ngg_triggers_display="always" captions_enabled="0" captions_display_sharing="1" captions_display_title="1" captions_display_description="1" captions_animation="slideup" order_by="sortorder" order_direction="ASC" returns="included" maximum_entity_count="500"]This chart shows proficiency in the use of the English language for many countries in Asia and, as you can see, Thailand is near the bottom of the chart, as are many other nations in Southeast Asia. This does not bode well for the future ASEAN or the people of Thailand, for without the ability to use this language, ASEAN itself may fail to bring the economic stability and prosperity that these nations seek by uniting in this effort. The generation of Thai children who are in school today will have difficulty finding employment in the future if they cannot master this language.

Will you consider helping us in this endeavor? If you already support my work with Christian Volunteers in Thailand with your prayers, your emails, or your gifts, thank you. If you have been thinking about doing so, please join me in praying for the 12 volunteers who are currently working with me, those who are coming next month to join us, and the two of us on the staff in Thailand. Pray, too, for Thailand as the people continue to mourn their former king and welcome their new king. Pray for the 30 private Christian schools of our partner church as they struggle to adjust to a rapidly changing world and prepare young people to survive in it. You may send financial support to PC(USA) and designate in the memo line of your check the Extra Commitment Opportunity number E200484 (Individuals) or the Directed Mission Support number D507551 (congregations).

With joy in God’s work,
