The hope and optimism we heard in Paris during the two weeks of the COP 21 did lead to a historic agreement, where nearly 200 of the world's governments committed themselves to a low-carbon future. While not as strong as may be wished, it is an accomplishment indeed to have a global agreement that sets us on a path to leaving 80% of current fossil fuel resources in the ground, where they need to stay. De-carbonizing the global economy and limiting emissions to "well below" 2 degrees Celsius increase of pre-industrial levels are important steps in the right direction.
More is needed.
Yet, we have always known that more will be needed.
Agreements, even global agreements, inherently contain compromise. So to continue pushing for ambition, to hold our governments accountable to their commitments, and to find new and different ways to reign in our consumptive energy practices and economic development in ways that these things hurt the planet--we know we each (and all) have much to do.
People of faith, civilians, houses of worship, schools, work places, businesses-- we must all add our own commitments, innovation, wisdom, and care. The Paris agreement isn't going to solve our problems for us. At the same time, it is a commitment that we can continue to reference, as we continue to push for a healthy planet with our own actions, commitments, and voices in our own lives and communities, and throughout the world.
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