This is God's house
It is likely that some of us, when we were growing up, were told that there were certain ways to behave in the church building, because it is God’s house. Maybe it was not to run, or to keep our voices quieted, or maybe we were taught to invite others in.
In Isaiah 58, the author is addressing a people who have returned to Jerusalem, where the Temple—God’s house—was in shambles. We imagine it a heartbreaking scene. And in that rubble, the prophet challenges the people, not to rebuild the building or to restore their religious rituals, but to care for the hungry, the weak and the vulnerable—the prophet called the people to become the house of God. And right here, right now, we are the house of God, too. We are called to become, as Isaiah promised long ago, “repairers of the breach, restorers of streets to live in.”
When the wind and water wipe homes away, or bombs destroy the dwellings of the innocent, or people lack safe and affordable housing, One Great Hour of Sharing extends a roof.
When conflict and war cause famine, or the environment endangers the land of farmers, or those who work the fields are not paid enough to feed their families, One Great Hour of Sharing welcomes them to the table.
When water becomes scarce, or when it must be accessed by walking long and dangerous distances, or when the pipes or sources become poisoned, One Great Hour of Sharing rushes in as a spring of life-giving water.
God’s house is a place where needs are met and the broken systems that cause those needs are addressed. Across this country and around the world, Presbyterians are responding to the call we hear in Isaiah. We are gathering together as God’s people and becoming a household with the suffering and vulnerable. We are celebrating God’s goodness and grace and giving to One Great Hour of Sharing.
We are the house of God. Let us welcome those without a home into God’s house. Let us invite those without enough to eat to God’s table. Let us invite those who thirst to the spring of God’s fountain. May we be called, as Isaiah said, “repairers of the breach, restorers of streets to live in.”
Let us pray
Draw all people together, gracious God, and make us your house. Let our gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing create a home and a wholeness for people in need, so that the whole human family will know your love. Amen.
Join us
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This post is based on the minute for mission script which can be found on our website as a script.
Please give generously to the Offering:
- Through your congregation
- Text OGHS to 20222 to give $25
- Online
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