The Rev. Tony Larson, who serves Trinity Presbyterian Church of Southside Beach, South Carolina, and is co-moderator of the 226th General Assembly, opened last month’s webinar hosted by Presbyterians for Earth Care on how the Inflation Reduction Act can benefit churches and other nonprofits with a prayer.
On Aug. 13, the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) held a White House Faith Leaders Convening on Climate, Clean Energy and Environmental Justice.
Meeting via Zoom Friday, the Unification Commission voted to sunset both the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board and the Committee on the Office of the General Assembly, effective Dec. 31. The Unification Commission will be taking on the work of both governing bodies.
With the start of the new school year, churches often reimagine how to focus on Christian formation. For some churches with dedicated times for classes and small groups, this may mean a big celebration; for others, it may mean an intentional space in worship and special decorations during fellowship time. No matter what the size of the program or the celebration may be, there is a shared sense of the renewal made possible through the Christian life.
Meeting via Zoom Thursday, members of COGA, the Committee on the Office of the General Assembly, debriefed over what they observed and some of the feedback they received following the 226th General Assembly, which concluded last month in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Columbia Theological Seminary has named Maci Sepp Director of Vocational Outreach in the office of Enrollment Management and Vocational Outreach, effective on Monday.
The Rev. Dr. Otis Turner, a Presbyterian pastor and scholar who was a longtime advocate for racial and social justice, died Aug. 2 in Jacksonville, Florida.
As then-tropical storm Ernesto neared Puerto Rico earlier this week, the director of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance briefed colleagues on the storm that was to come.
Criada como baptista, Felica Ezell-Gillespie, vocalista y músico de jazz de formación, visitó por primera vez una iglesia presbiteriana por la música y los conciertos de jazz en los que actuaba ocasionalmente. Varios años después se encontró cantando en un funeral celebrado en la Tercera Iglesia Presbiteriana de Saint Louis, Missouri, y supo entonces que quería volver. Con el tiempo, se convirtió en una persona miembro.
침례교 신자로 자란 펠리카 에젤-길레스피 사역 장로는 전문 재즈 보컬리스트이자 음악가입니다. 그녀는 재즈 콘서트에서 공연하다가 처음으로 장로교회를 방문하게 되었습니다. 몇 년 후 미주리주 세인트루이스에 있는 제3 장로교회의 한 장례식에서 노래를 부르게 되었고, 그때부터 다시 교회에 오고 싶다는 생각을 하게 되었습니다. 그리고 마침내 교인으로 등록을 하였습니다.