A historic online meeting Wednesday between two South Carolina presbyteries, the Presbytery of New Harmony and Charleston Atlantic Presbytery, produced a unanimous endorsement for two pastors standing for co-moderators of the 226th General Assembly.
The National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA (NCC) is excited to announce its NCC Freedom Summer campaign, which will launch in Washington, D.C., with a Day of Action on June 19 (Juneteenth), and conclude with a Freedom Summit in Jackson, Mississippi on August 17.
Whether we or our faith communities are investing a few dollars or millions, we can, with a little outside help and some of our own insights, advance our values through those investments.
대학을 졸업 후 얼마 지나지 않아 26 세도 되지 않았을 때, 폴 슬레이쿠는 두 가지 중요한 결정을 내렸습니다. 바로 소박한 집을 구입하고 인근에 있는 미네소타주 화이트 베어 레이크의 제일장로교회에 등록한 것입니다.
그리고 채 2년이 안 되어 청빙 위원회 위원 중 한 명이 그에게 다가와 말했습니다. "앞으로 3년 동안 섬길 새로운 사역 장로를 찾고 있는데, 혹시 해 볼 생각 있나요?" 폴은 매우 중요한 첫 번째 질문을 던졌습니다. "장로가 되려면 나이가 많아야 하지 않나요?"
Just a couple of years out of college and not yet 26 years old, Paul Slaikeu made two very important decisions — he bought a modest house and he joined a nearby church, First Presbyterian Church in White Bear Lake, Minnesota.
Less than two years later a nominating committee member approached him and said, “We’re looking for new ruling elders for the next three years, would you consider that?” Paul asked the all-important first question, “Don’t I need to be older to be an elder?”
Apenas un par de años después de salir de la universidad y sin haber cumplido aún los 26, Paul Slaikeu tomó dos decisiones muy importantes: compró una modesta casa y se unió a una iglesia cercana, la Primera Iglesia Presbiteriana de White Bear Lake, Minnesota.
Menos de dos años después, un integrante del comité de nombramientos se le acercó y le dijo: ""Estamos buscando personas nuevas que se ordenen como ancianas gobernantes para los próximos tres años, ¿lo considerarías?" Paul hizo la importantísima primera pregunta: "¿No necesito ser mayor para ser una persona anciana?"
For the fifth of six installments of their “Around the Table” podcast, which can be heard here, hosts the Rev. Michelle Thomas-Bush and the Rev. Cliff Haddox each invited a friend to talk about conversations around the table where not everyone is a person of faith.
The Rev. Danny Morales, a hospice chaplain and the pastor of New Covenant Presbyterian Church in Liberty City, Florida, will stand alongside the Rev. Dr. Marian McClure Taylor as Co-Moderator candidates for the 226th General Assembly.
The Rev. Carolyn Winfrey Gillette, a Presbyterian pastor and hymnwriter, has published “O God, Within the Psalms,” a hymn based on two of the passages for Sunday from the Revised Common Lectionary, Psalm 23:1-6 and John 10:11-18. “O God, Within the Psalms” is sung to TERRA BEATA, “This is My Father’s World.”
LOUISVILLE – One van, five days. That’s all it took to change the worldview of six young people. That, plus three committed adult leaders, a whole lot of faith and one big DREAAM. DREAAM, an acronym for Driven to Reach Excellence and Academic Achievement for Males, is a program designed to reach, teach and invest in African American boys at risk and to walk alongside them and their families beginning at the early age of 3 until they reach the age of 24.