A new Spanish-language translation of the Book of Order will soon be available to Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) leaders, church members and anyone else looking for guidance about Presbyterian polity.
As with a simultaneous project to translate the Book of Order into Korean, the work is being led by Global Language Resources (GLR), a division of the Administrative Services Group of the PC(USA).
Una nueva traducción al español del Libro del Orden pronto estará disponible para el liderazgo de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.),personas miembro de la iglesia y cualquier otra que busque orientación sobre la política presbiteriana.
Simultáneamente con la traducción del Libro de Orden al coreano, el trabajo está siendo dirigido por Recursos en Idiomas Globales (GLR por sus siglas en ingles), una división del Grupo de Servicios Administrativos de la IP (EE.UU.).
“How do we do justice to the people we serve and have empathy with them?” Last week, Michelle Muñiz posed this question to an assembly of 100 leaders of disaster relief organizations in San Juan, Puerto Rico, at the Puerto Rican affiliate chapter of National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (PRVOAD) Conference and Assembly.
¿Ha notado que actualmente se celebra un solo servicio de ordenación e instalación de diáconos/diaconisas, ancianos/as gobernantes y personas que sirven en el ministerio de la Palabra y los Sacramentos? El Dr. David Gambrell, asociado para la adoración en la Oficina de Teología y Adoración de la denominación, lo explica:
"Se darán cuenta de que una importante diferencia teológica y estructural [con respecto a la versión anterior] consiste en que ya no se ofrecen liturgias de ordenación separadas para los diáconos/diaconisas, ancianos/as gobernantes y personas en el ministerio de la Palabra y los Sacramentos, como era el caso en el Libro de Servicios Ocasionales de 1999. Nuestro propósito era destacar que existe una teología del ministerio y un servicio de ordenación".
집사, 사역 장로, 말씀과 성례전의 목회자를 위한 안수 및 임직식이 이제 하나로 통합되었다는 사실을 알고 계셨나요? 교단 신학 및 예배 사무처의 예배 담당자인 데이비드 갬브렐 박사는 다음과 같이 설명합니다:
"[이전 버전과] 구별되는 중요한 신학적, 구조적 차이점은 1999년 특별 예배 예식서 와는 달리 집사/사역 장로, 말씀과 성례전 목회자 안수 예식이 분리되어 있지 않다는 점입니다. 우리는 하나의 신학을 가지고 있으며, 안수 예배도 하나라는 점을 강조하고 싶었습니다."
Have you noticed there is now one single ordination and installation service for deacons, ruling elders, and ministers of the Word and Sacrament? The Rev. Dr. David Gambrell, associate for worship in the denomination’s Office of Theology and Worship, explains:
“You’ll see that an important theological and structural difference [from the previous version] is that there aren’t separate ordination liturgies for deacons/ruling elders and ministers of Word and Sacrament as in the 1999 Book of Occasional Services. We wanted to emphasize that there is one theology of ministry and one service of ordination.”
It’s time for people to start using their community — whether it’s a faith community, friends or one’s family — to talk about “the dangerous moment” that queer people are in right now.
Marcdaline Abelard was in her home in the mountains above Leogane on Saturday, June 3, when her husband Claudy left to go search for the family goat. Rain was pouring and the wind had picked up. While she waited, she tried to calm her baby who is only a few months old. Her 2-year-old and 4-year-old were frightened by the weather. The heavy rains caused flash flooding that ripped through the mountain village. Claudy never returned.
Being a resource for churches in the Presbytery of the Redwoods that are tackling food insecurity in their communities or have an interest in doing so is one of Corinne Quinn’s passions.
We say we want to end poverty, but how do we know if we are being effective? That is a central question to be addressed in the second in a series of online workshops dedicated to the Matthew 25 focus on eradicating systemic poverty titled “End Poverty? Measuring Our Impact Holistically.”