During the ongoing pandemic, mission co-workers have looked for ways to continue their interpretation assignments in new and creative ways. The Rev. Dori Hjalmarson is doing just that.
A devoted city minister with a peripatetic career, the Rev. Casper Isaiah Glenn turned 100 years old in January. We pause for an appreciation of his life so far.
Born on a farm in Winnsboro, South Carolina, Glenn spent most of his ministerial career in city churches. After two years at the Presbyterian-organized Coulter Memorial Academy (Cheraw, S.C.) he transferred to Lincoln University and studied history and philosophy. He completed a Bachelor of Divinity at Western Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh in 1946. It was at Western that he "came to the conviction that he should spend his life in city work, particularly in an industrial area."
Because of the ongoing pandemic, the 2022 Presbyterian Youth Triennium, which had been scheduled for July 24-27 in Indianapolis, Indiana, has been canceled.
“We need to talk about voting,” Dr. Rodney S. Sadler Jr. of Union Presbyterian Seminary said to kick off a 90-minute webinar Tuesday titled “Our Voices, Our Votes, Our Freedoms,” “making sure we are putting this front and center of any work we’re doing.”
When a cooperative food market opens on Flint, Michigan’s north side several months from now, it will make life easier for residents who’ve had to drive miles away just to get groceries.
여러분은 당신의 구세주 예수 그리스도를 믿고, 그분을 만유의 주인이시며 교회의 머리로 인정하고, 그분을 통하여 성부와 성자와 성령이 한 분이신 하나님임을 믿으십니까? (W-4.0404 a.)
¿Confía usted en Jesucristo como Salvador, lo reconoce como Señor de todos y todas y Cabeza de la Iglesia y mediante Él cree en un Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo? (W-4.0404 a.)
Do you trust in Jesus Christ your Savior, acknowledge him Lord of all and Head of the Church, and through him believe in one God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? (W-4.0404 a.)
An economic justice initiative inspired by the PC(USA) working to combat racism and racial privilege will be getting support at the 225th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) this summer. The Rev. Gregory Bentley and Ruling Elder Elona Street-Stewart, Co-Moderators of the 224th General Assembly, recommended that the offering taken during opening worship go to Restorative Actions.
With a big assist from the gifts of music leader Mark Miller, closing worship for APCE’s Circle of Faith event in Chicago ended Saturday where it had begun the Wednesday before, with Hebrews 12:1-2.