As 2022 draws to a close, the hosts of the Being Matthew 25 broadcast, the Rev. Dr. Diane Givens Moffett and the Rev. DeEtte Decker, took a look back at the content they helped to create during each monthly episode.
Remember those that have been left behind. A special Christmas word from the Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) on Christmas Day. The Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II urges churches to be more engaging with those that are hurting this holiday season and beyond.
NEXT Church has received a grant of $1 million from Lilly Endowment Inc. to help establish the Preaching for Change Project.
NEXT Church has received a grant of $1 million from Lilly Endowment Inc. to help establish the Preaching for Change Project.
Of course, news such as that delivered by the wise men would naturally “upset the apple cart” of all those in authority — both political and religious — who were living during a time known as the Pax Romana or “Roman Peace.” It was a time in which the Roman authorities would ensure “peace” if the religious leaders would keep their own people in line. Clearly, the news of a new king was a threat to all who had some measure of power.
Of course, news such as that delivered by the wise men would naturally “upset the apple cart” of all those in authority — both political and religious — who were living during a time known as the Pax Romana or “Roman Peace.” It was a time in which the Roman authorities would ensure “peace” if the religious leaders would keep their own people in line. Clearly, the news of a new king was a threat to all who had some measure of power.
New episodes of "Nourish" and "Encounter" from the "Along the Road" podcast series look at the bright path of faith through times of darkness and the ways Advent can encourage us to reflect on the past while also tarrying in the present.
Download Along the Road episodes from the Mid Council Ministries section of or from podcast providers.
Todas las preguntas constitucionales para la ordenación e instalación han sido formuladas y respondidas. Ha dicho "sí, quiero" o "lo haré" con voz fuerte o temblorosa. Tal vez se arrodilló y le pusieron las manos sobre los hombros o la espalda. Sintió el peso de las promesas que hizo, así como el apoyo de los que han servido antes que usted, mientras se oraba por la guía del Espíritu. Le han ayudado a levantarse, le han felicitado y le han dado la "mano derecha de la hermandad" o un codazo de la época de Covid. Ha vuelto a su asiento habitual en la adoración para recibir la bendición, la buena palabra que le envía a servir.
Entonces, ¿qué pasa después? ¿Qué sucede después de que usted ha sido ordenado/a e instalado como un/a anciano/a gobernante de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.)?
안수와 위임을 위한 헌법 질문들에 모두 답하셨습니다. 여러분은 "하겠습니다"라고 강하고 떨리는 목소리로 말했습니다. 아마도 여러분은 무릎을 꿇었을 것이고 누군가 여러분의 어깨와 등에 손을 얹었을 것입니다. 성령의 인도하심을 위한 기도가 드려졌을 때, 여러분은 앞에서 예배하는 이들의 지지와 스스로가 한 서약의 무게를 동시에 느꼈을 것입니다. 여러분은 격려와 축하를 받고 "친교의 악수"를 나누었을 것입니다. 코비드 시대여서 팔꿈치 인사를 하셨을 수도 있겠네요. 여러분은 예배 좌석으로 돌아가서 축복을 받으셨습니다. 섬김을 위해 파송되면서 축복을 받으신 것입니다.
그러면 다음에는 무슨 일을 해야 할까요? 미국장로교 사역 장로로 안수받고 위임된 이후에는 무슨 일이 일어날까요?
The constitutional questions for ordination and installation have all been asked and answered. You said, “I do” or “I will” in a strong or trembling voice. Perhaps you knelt and had hands laid on your shoulders or back. You felt the weight of the promises you made as well as the support of those who have served before you, as a prayer for the guidance of the Spirit was prayed over you. You’ve been helped up, offered congratulations, and extended the “right hand of fellowship,” or a Covid-era elbow-bump. You’ve made your way back to your regular seat in worship, to receive the benediction—the good word that sends you out to serve.
So, what happens next? What happens after you’ve been ordained and installed as a ruling elder of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)?