The Rev. Edwin González-Castillo said Monday he knows the Haitian people will overcome the most recent calamity to befall them, Saturday’s 7.2-magnitude earthquake that has killed at least 1,300 people to date, injured thousands and left many tens of thousands without adequate shelter, food, water and access to health care.
As modest as they are talented, three Presbyterian hymn-writers shared their sources of inspiration and some of their favorite hymns Sunday during a webinar called “When in Our Music God is Glorified,” put on by the Presbyterian Writers Guild. About three dozen people attended. Dr. Anita Coleman, a writer and former professor who’s vice president of the guild, moderated the hour-long webinar.
“As we prepare to return, we’ve gone 16 months and beyond without being able to make use of the physical structures of our buildings, so I pray we have come to see our identities as churches that are not bound up in our idol worship of buildings,” the Rev. Lukata Mjumbe said during the August broadcast of “Good Medicine,” hosted by the Rev. Gregory Bentley and Ruling Elder Elona Street-Stewart, Co-Moderators of the 224th General Assembly (2020).
코로나 바이러스의 델타 변이로 시작하여 세계 많은 지역의 불안정한 날씨, 손상된 인간관계, 심하게 분열된 우리나라에 이르기까지, 요즈음에는 걱정거리가 많다. 절망하기는 쉽다. 그러나 신학자 위르겐 몰트만은 그의 중요한 책 희망의 신학에서 희망에 대한 가장 큰 위협은 절망이 아닌, 묵인이라고, 사람이 단순히 그들이 처한 방식을 받아들이는 때라고 우리에게 상기시킨다.
Thanks to Sabbath and Sabbatical Grants from 1001 New Worshiping Communities, 35 leaders in the new church movement began taking sabbaticals earlier this summer. The response for these grants — all available grants were awarded — was tremendous. Now, some of the leaders are returning from their week- or month-long break to their pastoral work.
Hay mucho de qué preocuparse en estos días, desde la variante Delta del coronavirus hasta el clima inestable en gran parte del mundo y las relaciones rotas con una nación profundamente dividida. Es fácil desesperarse. Sin embargo, el teólogo Jürgen Moltmann nos recuerda en su importante libro Teología de la Esperanza que el mayor desafío para la esperanza no es la desesperación sino la aquiescencia, cuando la gente simplemente acepta las cosas como son.
There is much to worry about these days, from the Delta variant of the coronavirus to unstable weather in much of the world to broken relationships to a deeply divided nation. It is easy to despair. Yet theologian Jürgen Moltmann reminds us in his important book Theology of Hope that the greatest challenge to hope is not despair but acquiescence—when people simply accept things the way they are.
When William McConnell began recruiting artists for a new musical ensemble he affectionately dubbed the Mission Musicians, he took the familiar words of 1 Corinthians 12 to heart.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and Presbyterian World Mission have been in contact with their partners in Haiti following Saturday morning’s 7.2-magnitude earthquake and the aftershocks that have followed.
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is one of 24 churches and faith-based organizations to have signed on to a letter calling on the administration of President Joe Biden to lift the sanctions on Cuba, saying they prevent humanitarian aid from reaching people on the island.