Esta é uma mensagem para todos, mas particularmente para todos as pessoas asiáticas ou de ascendência asiática.
A Igreja Presbiteriana (E.U.A) expressa sua solidariedade pelos nossos irmãos asiáticos e rejeita toda e qualquer forma de ódio contra essa comunidade.
It is with heavy hearts and concern that the National Hispanic/Latino Presbyterian Caucus of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) denounces the recent acts of violence against Asian American Pacific Islanders (AAPI) sisters and brothers, specially, last week’s March 17, 2021 murder of six Asian and Asian American women.
Queridos hermanas y hermanos en Cristo,
Este es un mensaje para todos y es un mensaje en particular para todos aquellos/as que son asiáticos o de ascendencia asiática.
La Iglesia Presbiteriana (Estados Unidos) se solidariza con nuestros hermanos/as asiáticos y se opone al odio antiasiático.
주님 안 함께하는 사랑하는 형제자매 여러분,
이것은 모두에게 전하는 메시지이며, 특히 아시아인이나 아시아계 모든 분에게 드리는 메시지입니다.
미국장로교는 우리의 아시아계 형제자매와 함께하며, 아시아계 혐오에 반대합니다.
This is a message to everyone, and it is a message in particular to all those who are Asian or of Asian descent.
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) stands in solidarity with our Asian siblings and stands against anti-Asian hate.
Trinity Presbytery recently announced that Rev. William Anderson passed away peacefully on March 22 at the Clinton Presbyterian Community in Clinton, South Carolina. He and wife Lois, who preceded him in death, served as mission co-workers in Africa for 49 years (1951-2000), 37 of those years in Sudan and South Sudan. The couple also served for brief stints in Kenya and Uganda.
Three PC(USA) pastors who serve congregations that have made significant strides helping to provide their neighbors with safe and affordable housing formed the centerpiece of Wednesday’s national Matthew 25 webinar. Nearly 250 people participated.
Victoria Alexander, 22, is passionate about working with and learning from women leaders, so she jumped at the chance to be part of a Presbyterian delegation to the 65th session of the Commission on the Status of Women.
The Rev. Sameh Shaker and Dr. Mirna Wasef, moderator and vice moderator of the National Middle Eastern Presbyterian Caucus, have released this statement on behalf of the caucus about last week’s shootings in the presbyteries of Greater Atlanta and Cherokee:
Jyungin Lee, moderator of Presbyterian Women, was recently asked by a woman who is white if she still experienced racism in her work with the church.