Years ago, at a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) youth conference in East Texas, Kurt Esslinger felt the Spirit nudging him toward a ministry that reaches out to people who feel they don’t belong because of their differences.
As the Association of Presbyterian Church Educators (APCE) kicked off its 2021 annual event, which is online for the first time ever, Thom Cunningham, a member of APCE’s annual ministry team, broke the news.
The National Football League’s Super Bowl has been this country’s quintessential sporting event for more than 50 years, garnering worldwide attention.
Thoughtful, moving and imaginative worship was front and center during the national event of the Association of Presbyterian Church Educators Thursday afternoon, when more than 1,000 people from four continents joined for an online opening worship service anchored by prophetic preaching from the Rev. Aisha Brooks-Lytle.
"Just Talk Live” kicked off Black History Month this week with an appearance by the Rev. Dr. Thomas H. Priest, Jr., president of the National Black Presbyterian Caucus.
Serge is a young boy in Congo who lost both his parents. He started living with his grandmother, but when Serge misbehaved, his grandmother accused him of being a sorcerer. He was kicked out and forced to live on the street.
Dr. John Weaver, a celebrated Presbyterian organist and composer, died Monday at the age of 83. His daughter, the Rev. Kirianne E. Weaver, pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Ithaca, New York, described his passing in a Facebook post on Tuesday morning: “Last night, in the small hours, Dad took his last breaths. It was the winding down of a clock, and we knew this moment was coming when the hands would stop moving; it was all peaceful and then came the dawn.”
As her college graduation approached, Maggie Lewis remembers feeling that God was calling her to be a missionary in Africa. She didn’t know exactly how to make that happen, so she decided to do some research.
Some of the best worship and most meaningful preaching the Rev. Landon Whitsitt has seen and heard during the pandemic has come from preachers and other worship leaders willing to share themselves in an authentic way with those attending the online services they’re creating each week.
Los co-moderadores de la 224ª Asamblea General de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.) dicen que las congregaciones deben salir de sus zonas de confort para abarcar la brecha en las relaciones raciales en todo el país. Anciana gobernante Elona Street-Stewart y el Rvdo. Gregory Bentley participaron en un seminario web Zoom iniciado y copatrocinado por Westminster Presbyterian Church en Richmond, Virginia, pero asistieron muchas más congregaciones. Los participantes representaron a 33 iglesias diferentes, muchas presbiterianas, pero también bautistas, metodistas y católicas.