For church and worshiping community leaders, the Way of Spiritual Fortitude is apparently paved with good intentions, including intending to regularly practice self-care in the midst of long hours doing ministry that can be as demanding as it is draining.
Maryland’s Takoma Park Presbyterian Church was getting ready to celebrate Christmas Eve, but leadership wasn’t quite sure what to do.
These days she’s the Rev. Dr. Rebecca L. Davis, who teaches seminarians about education at Union Presbyterian Seminary’s Charlotte, North Carolina, campus. When she was 9 and growing up in West Virginia, that role would have been difficult to fathom.
This year’s Anita and Antonio Gotto Lecture Series at Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York City will feature the Rev. Canon Esau McCaulley, PhD, a priest, author and theologian who regularly writes opinion pieces for The New York Times and hosts The Disrupters podcast.
In 2020, the price of bread doubled in Syria and the price of imported goods such as rice and sugar increased by 400%. The Jinishian Memorial Program provided coupons to 871 families to make food more affordable. “If the Jinishian Memorial Program weren’t here with us, what would we do?” a desperate mother in Syria recently asked a JMP staff member.
Grupos religiosos de Estados Unidos, América Latina y todo el mundo llevaron a cabo una serie de acciones públicas el domingo y el lunes pidiendo justicia climática en las próximas negociaciones de la ONU sobre el clima, conocidas como COP26, como parte de un levantamiento global y multi-religioso llamado Fe por la Justicia Climática.
The Presbytery of the Northwest Coast recently voted overwhelmingly to approve an overture for 225th General Assembly that addresses an act of historic injustice in Alaska: the 1963 closing of Memorial Presbyterian Church in Juneau.
The Presbyterian Committee on Mission Responsibility Through Investment (MRTI) voted at its Oct. 11 meeting to expand the criteria for recommending companies be placed on the General Assembly’s divestment/proscription list.
Faith groups across the United States, Latin America and around the world held a series of public actions Sunday and Monday calling for climate justice at the upcoming UN climate negotiations , known as COP26, as part of a global, multi-faith uprising called Faith for Climate Justice.
In our time when the effects of climate change threaten to wipe out endangered species and uproot and displace communities, the Rev. Dr. David Gambrell says Presbyterians have a special responsibility to prevent such disasters and protect the most vulnerable.