City Roots Community Land Trust in Rochester, New York, works to get people of modest incomes into quality homes, with the support of organizations such as the Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People.
The Rev. Nikki Collins has been aware of the concept of empowering servant leadership since her high school days, when a teacher brought in a prominent community leader to speak to Collins and her classmates about what it means to be a servant leader.
Más de 1.500 días. Ese es el tiempo que Hilda y su hijo de catorce años, Iván, han estado viviendo en un santuario en Austin, Texas. La familia llegó a la frontera estadounidense desde Guatemala en el 2014 con la esperanza de comenzar una nueva vida, pero no funcionó de esa manera.
Los dos pasaron once meses viviendo en un centro de detención. Durante los últimos cuatro años, madre e hijo han estado viviendo en un santuario en la Iglesia Presbiteriana de San Andrés en Austin por temor a la deportación. La congregación de 350 ha hecho del cuidado de esta pequeña familia su misión.
1,500일 이상. 힐다와 열네 살 난 아들 이반이 텍사스 주 오스틴에 있는 성소의 이민자 보호소에서 살아온 기간이다. 가족은 새로운 삶을 시작하기 위해 2014 년 과테말라에서 미국 국경에 도착했지만, 생각대로 되지 않았다.
두 사람은 구금 시설에서 11개월을 보냈다. 지난 4년 동안 어머니와 아들은 추방을 두려워하여 오스틴에 있는 성 앤드류 장로교회의 예배당 피난처에서 살고 있다. 350명의 회중은 이 작은 가족을 교회의 사명으로 돌보았다.
More than 1,500 days. That’s how long Hilda and her fourteen-year-old son, Ivan, have been living in sanctuary in Austin, Texas. The family arrived at the U.S. border from Guatemala in 2014 hoping to start a new life, but it didn’t work out that way.
The two spent eleven months living in a detention facility. For the last four years, mother and son have been living in sanctuary at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Austin in fear of deportation. The congregation of 350 has made the care of this small family its mission.
The Rev. Dr. Trace Haythorn, now the CEO and executive director of the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, learned his first pastoral care skills at the tender age of 13 after his friend died of leukemia.
After many hours of conversation and lots of prayer, Presbyterian Association of Musicians has decided to move its annual conference that was to have been held at Montreat Conference Center during the last two weeks of June to a virtual conference June 21-26.
미국 장로교의 첫 온라인 총회가 두 달도 채 남지 않은 가운데, 총회 사무국은 그 총회가 어떻게 진행될지 가늠해보는 작은 시험을 화요일에 치렀다. OGA는 총회 안건 추천위원회 위원들과 최초의 온라인 지도자 현황보고회를 진행했다.
Con menos de dos meses para la primera Asamblea General en línea completa de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.), la Oficina de la Asamblea General obtuvo una pequeña prueba de cómo podría funcionar el martes. OGA realizó su primera sesión informativa digital para líderes con miembros del Comité de la Asamblea sobre referencias comerciales.
In the latest edition of Everyday God-Talk, So Jung Kim, associate for Theology in the Presbyterian Mission Agency’s Office of Theology & Worship, visits with Jaco Hamman, a PC(USA) ordained pastor who’s a professor at the Vanderbilt Divinity School.