The Rev. Dr. George Walker Smith, described as “a giant” who “could be the most humble person you’ll ever meet” by a longtime parishioner and personal secretary, died Feb. 15 in San Diego. He was 91.
Contemplative. Entrepreneur. Convener. The Rev. Troy Bronsink wears all those hats and probably a few more as the founder and director of The Hive: A Center for Contemplation, Art and Action in Cincinnati.
미국장로교 총회 정서기는 도널드 트럼프 대통령을 비롯한 연방 지도자들에게 미국 국경을 넘는 이민자 가정을 다루는 방향을 바꿀 것을 촉구하고 있다. 미국 국토안보부(DHS)와 윌리엄 바 법무장관, 의회 상원의원들에게 보낸 서한에서 J. 허버트 넬슨 목사는 이산가족의 관행이 끝나야 한다고 요구하고 있다.
El Secretario Permanente de la Asamblea General de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.) está pidiendo al presidente Donald Trump y a otros líderes federales que cambien de dirección en la forma en que tratan a las familias inmigrantes que cruzan la frontera de los EE. UU. En una carta a Trump, al Fiscal General del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS por sus siglas en inglés) de los EE. UU. William Barr y a los miembros del Congreso, el reverendo Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II, pide que la práctica de la separación familiar llegue a su fin.
The Celebrate the Gifts of Women Chapel Service led by Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries (RE&WIM) in collaboration with Presbyterian Women, featured a reflection by Amy Mendez and hymns by a women’s choir, was designed to honor women’s spirituality, struggle and survival.
This past Sunday, the first Sunday of Lent, participants in the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program’s southern border travel study seminar helped with the service and lunch.
Church ministry helps immigrants who lack conventional forms of identification get community ID cards.
The Rev. Floretta Barbee-Watkins got off to a rocky start during Tuesday worship at the national gathering of NEXT Church.
Presbyterians attending the national NEXT Church gathering were blessed Tuesday by the perspectives of a Baptist minister and a rabbi.
Many people worldwide have questions about Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), first detected in China and now in more than 60 locations internationally, including the United States.