총회 사무국 위원회(COGA)는 올 6 월 볼티모어에서 열리게 될 224 차 총회(2020)에서 무엇을 기대해야 할 지에 대해 미리 보고 받았다. COGA는 총회 선교국 이사회(PMAB)와 함께 이번 주 볼티모어에서 모임을 가진다. 미국장로교 총회 정서기 J. 허버트 넬슨 목사는 COGA 회원들에게 올해 총회에서 일어날 일이 기대된다고 말했다.
The Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is calling on President Donald Trump and other federal leaders to change direction in how it deals with immigrant families crossing the U.S. border. In a letter to Trump, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Attorney General William Barr, and members of Congress, the Reverend Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II, is asking that the practice of family separation come to an end.
The world’s attention and concern is on a virus originating in China and spreading to other countries. Every day our news is filled with dramatic stories of this disaster and the efforts to contain it. Here at home we might pray for those affected and take some comfort in that the virus will not reach us and we are safe. The reality is a deadly virus is already in our community and potentially in our worship services.
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary Professor the Rev. Dr. J. Bradley Wigger is among the recipients of the 2020 Illumination Book Awards.
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has been committed to interconnectional ministry in God’s mission at the local, national and global levels since 1837. Since that time, more than 8,000 mission co-workers have shared the good news of Jesus Christ with millions of people worldwide.
Better understanding the season of Lent helps Presbyterians deepen their relationship with Christ and practice their faith more meaningfully.
The Vision 2020 Team has completed its Guiding Statement and has a handful of other recommendations in draft language for the 224th General Assembly to consider when it meets in Baltimore June 20-27.
나는 일종의 개그 같은 선물로 나에게 주어진 "차단 안경"을 가지고 있습니다. 그것을 쓰고 사진을 찍으면, 눈(사실상 신원)이 카메라에서 숨겨지므로, 타협하는 설정이라든지 불행한 순간에 식별 되어 보여지는 불명예로부터 당신의 평판을 보호합니다. 내 안경은 단지 장난스러운 효과를 위한 것이지만, 그것은 TV와 잡지에 사용되는 실제 장치를 흉내 내어, 유명한 사람들의 나쁜 모습을 감추어 줍니다.
Tengo un par de «gafas bloqueadas» que me dieron como regalo chistoso. Cuando te las pones para una foto, tus ojos (y aparentemente tu identidad) se ocultan de la cámara, protegiéndote a ti y a tu reputación de la desgracia de ser identificado en un entorno comprometedor o en un momento desafortunado. Mis gafas son sólo para un efecto lúdico, pero imitan el dispositivo real empleado en la programación de televisión y revistas para ocultar las identidades de las personas conocidas que se comportan mal.
I have a pair of “block-out glasses” that were given to me as a gag gift. When you put them on for a photo, your eyes (and ostensibly your identity) are concealed from the camera, protecting you and your reputation from the disgrace of being identified in a compromising setting or unfortunate moment. My glasses are just for playful effect, but they mimic the actual device employed in television programming and magazines to conceal the identities of well-known people behaving badly.