When I was a child growing up in the United Methodist Church, I remember that my parents once got a little cardboard folder to put quarters in. Although I don’t remember whether you were supposed to put the quarters in every day or every week — or even what the project was for — it really made an impression on me that kids could be a part of giving.
The Rev. Gregory Bentley and Ruling Elder Elona Street-Stewart, the Co-Moderators of the 224th General Assembly (2020), took 45 minutes Thursday with members of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), A Corporation Board to share their vision of what’s ahead over the next two years.
224 회 총회(2020) 공동총회장인 그레고리 벤틀리 목사와 엘로나 스트리트 스튜어트 장로가 목요일 45분간 미국장로교, A 코어퍼레이션 이사회와 앞으로 2 년에 대한 비전을 나누었다.
El Reverendo Gregory Bentley y la Anciana Gobernante Elona Street-Stewart, los co-moderadores de la 224º Asamblea General (2020), se tomó 45 minutos el jueves con miembros de la Junta de Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), A Corporation para compartir su visión de lo que se avecina en los próximos dos años.
El tiempo que pasaron juntos durante el primer día de las reuniones de la junta fue cálido e iluminador.
I love that Luke 11 tells the story of Jesus praying. The disciples must have been watching him because when Jesus finishes, they ask that he teach them how to pray. Prayer was not new to them. They could recognize that Jesus was praying. Certainly, they were raised to pray. Nevertheless, I love that the disciples were willing to be vulnerable about what is a fundamental spiritual practice. They were willing to explore a new way to engage in a familiar praxis. “We want to learn how to pray. Teach us, Jesus.”
Me encanta que Lucas 11 cuente la historia de un Jesús que ora. Los discípulos deben haber estado observándolo porque cuando Jesús termina, le piden que les enseñe a orar. La oración no era nueva para ellos. Podían reconocer que Jesús estaba orando. Verdaderamente, fueron criados para orar. Sin embargo, adoro que los discípulos estuvieran dispuestos a ser vulnerables sobre esta práctica espiritual fundamental. Estaban dispuestos a explorar una nueva forma de participar en una práctica familiar. "Queremos aprender a orar. Enséñanos, Jesús".
나는 예수님의 기도에 대해 누가복음 11장이 전해주는 이야기를 좋아한다. 예수님이 기도를 끝내시면 기도하는 방법을 가르쳐 달라고 요청하려고, 사도들은 예수님을 계속 바라보고 있었다. 기도는 그들에게 새로운 것이 아니었다. 예수님께서 기도하고 계신 것도 그들은 알고 있었다. 확실히 그들은 자라면서 기도하는 것을 배운 사람들이었다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 제자들은 이 근본적인 영적 행위에 대해 다시 알고자 적극적으로 애썼다는 것을 나는 참 좋아한다. 그들은 익숙한 것에 대해 새로운 방식을 탐험하는데 망설이지 않았다. "우리는 어떻게 기도하는지 배우고 싶습니다. 예수님, 가르쳐 주세요."
The Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, director of the Presbyterian Office of Public Witness, began a virtual Bible study this week with a call for Presbyterians to get involved in the upcoming election.
The Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, director of the Presbyterian Office of Public Witness, began a virtual Bible study this week with a call for Presbyterians to get involved in the upcoming election.
The World Mission Initiative at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, with Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries (RE&WIM) of the Presbyterian Mission Agency of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) as a sponsor, announces its Race and Mission online event, featuring Rev. Brenda Salter-McNeil, Rev. Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove and Dr. David Campt.