The announcement from the current U.S. Administration that there is no such thing as “occupied territories” in Israel is abhorrent as well as foolish. It suggests that there is no such thing as a centuries-old Palestinian community that is entitled to live securely on the land on which they have lived for generations. It violates the fundamental right of people to own, tend, and hold their land, and forbids encroachment and occupation by other hostile entities.
Las costas planas y arenosas de Colombia no se prestan a la actividad guerrillera. Eso resultó ser una bendición para Barranquilla, una ciudad costera al norte que es el centro del Presbiterio de la Costa Norte de la Iglesia Presbiteriana de Colombia (IPC).
The flat, sandy coasts of Colombia don’t lend themselves to guerilla activity. That turned out to be a blessing for Barranquilla, a northern coastal city that is the center of the Presbiterio de la Costa Norte of the Presbyterian Church of Colombia (IPC).
Hace más de 160 años, los Presbiterianos establecieron sus primeras iglesias en Colombia. Todos estos años después, la Iglesia Presbiteriana de Colombia todavía está haciendo un trabajo importante e impactante.
Over 160 years ago, Presbyterians established their first churches in Colombia. All these years later, the Presbyterian Church of Colombia is still doing important and impactful work.
It’s only fitting that Jason H. Raff would make his public debut in the Chapel at the Presbyterian Center in Louisville helping to interpret music alongside two other gifted musicians.
The Rev. Robert W. “Bob” Abrams brings joy to his colleagues at the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) headquarters in Louisville, Kentucky.
The Rev. Fred Milligan is the ex-pat pastor of the Santiago Community Church in Santiago, Chile. On Tuesday, October 29, two weeks into the ongoing unrest in Chile sparked by a five-cent increase in the cost of a metro ticket, the pastor arrived at the church and was startled by what he saw.
Churches, companies, nonprofit organizations, and seminary students are having hard conversations about how to connect in an ever-changing world. The Reverend Dr. Gregory C. Ellison, II, author of the book, Fearless Dialogues, shared his strategy for connecting different classes of people during this week’s broadcast of “Coffee with the Clerk,” with the Reverend Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
The Lux Summer Theological Institute for Youth at Monmouth College in Illinois is looking for 22 high school students who want to think deeply next summer about their theology around environmental justice.