Monday was the Moving Forward Implementation Commission’s moment to begin moving forward. The 12-member, two-year commission, created by the 2018 General Assembly to carry out recommendations of the Way Forward Commission and those of other groups regarding such goals as transparency and cost-sharing, met for nearly an hour by video conference Monday evening to, among other tasks, talk about what the commission hopes to accomplish.
Presbyterians view immigrants more favorably than they did in 2011 and are more involved in immigrant ministries than they were in the past. These are the key findings of the May 2017 Presbyterian Panel survey on Immigration, Refugees, and Immigrant Ministries. The results were released earlier this month.
While a summertime academic emphasis is not unusual for high-achieving high school students, Lucianna (Luci) Astorga’s educational focus between school years has been much different than that of other scholastically-minded peers.
It’s been a long four months for Marleny and her family. Since Aug. 28, she, her daughter, son-in-law and nine-year-old grandson have been on the road from El Salvador to the U.S. border. They’ve been at the Mexico-U.S. border for two weeks and are still waiting to talk with border officials.
As people from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador continue to make their way to the Mexico-U.S. border, a delegation of Presbyterian ministers and leaders headed to McAllen, Texas this weekend as part of the Interfaith Caravan of Hope.
It’s been 15 months, but the mere mention of the devastation causes Lourdes Perez’s chin to tremble. Tears fill her eyes.
Day 2 of the A Corporation’s meetings Friday included the kinds of tasks you’d expect of the corporate body of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) — approving committee charters and recommendations, electing corporate officers to one-year terms and scheduling dates and places for the board’s 2019 meetings. It also included a plea from one of those officers, Mike Miller, the PC(USA)’s chief financial officer: err on the side of over-communicating, and work to allay anxiety over what the “new day” that the A Corporation will mean for the operation of the Presbyterian Mission Agency, and, to a lesser degree, the Office of the General Assembly.
기도는 효과적인 영적 지도력을 위해 중요합니다. 우리 중 대부분은 이에 동의하지만, 우리 중 많은 사람들은 기도의 관행에 대해 마음이 편하지 않습니다. 한 가지 이유는 기도는 배우는 행동이며, 상당수의 그리스도인들은 영적으로 도움이 되는 기도 실천을 개발하고 유지하는 방법을 결코 배우지 못했다는 것입니다. 심지어 예수님의 제자들도 얼마 동안 그와 함께 있으면서 이 부적절함을 느꼈습니다.
Prayer is crucial for effective spiritual leadership. Most of us would agree with this, but many of us do not feel good about our practice of prayer. One reason is that prayer is learned behavior, and quite a few Christians have never been taught how to develop and maintain a spiritually nourishing prayer practice. Even Jesus’ disciples felt this inadequacy after being with him for some time.
La oración es crucial para un liderazgo espiritual efectivo. La mayoría de nosotros estaría de acuerdo con esto, pero varios de nosotros no nos sentimos bien con nuestra práctica de la oración. Una de las razones es que la oración es un comportamiento aprendido, y a muchas personas cristianas nunca se les ha enseñado cómo desarrollar y mantener una práctica de oración espiritualmente nutritiva. Incluso los discípulos de Jesús sintieron esta insuficiencia después de estar con él por algún tiempo.