The National Council of Churches is outraged at the illegal use of tear gas on unarmed asylum-seekers at the US-Mexico border on Sunday. This asymmetrical use of force against a crowd that included children was immoral and disregarded the standards of international law. Our hearts go out to the people, especially the innocent children, victimized in this horrific act.
Presbyterians living hundreds of miles from the U.S.-Mexico border can help asylum seekers and those facing deportation from the United States in a number of ways, including advocacy, accompaniment and aide.
“Death” is not an easy concept for my Egyptian students. A "living death" is an even harder one to grasp.
How would you celebrate your 50th anniversary? One of the ways the Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar (FJKM), the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s partner church, celebrated its 50th anniversary this year was by promoting free HIV testing at all of its commemorative events.
뉴저지의 메투첸Metuchen에 있는 제일장로교회("FPC")는 추수감사절을 축하 할 특별한 이유가 있다. 로비 생거Roby Sanger가 집에 돌아왔기 때문이다. 인도네시아 기독교인이자 오랫동안 FPC 교인이었던 생거Sanger는 지난 10개월 동안 강제 송환에 직면해 있었다. 생거Sanger와 그의 가족은 22년 동안 FPC에서 예배한 인도네시아 개척교회 교인들이다.
Residents in and around Temple City, Calif., can enjoy the Nativity story and a nice community walk together on Dec. 16.
After two days of being led through loophole after loophole, Sanger was picked up during a blizzard. “His daughters went with us. That first hug was a reminder of why we did this. We then took him home to his wife and that was a moment where everyone was touched.”
Saturday marks the 30th anniversary of World AIDS Day, and Presbyterians are encouraged to participate as part of Presbyterian HIV/AIDS Awareness. This year’s theme is “know your status.”
The season of Advent, which begins on Sunday, Dec. 2, is often misunderstood. Before Thanksgiving is even finished, people are inundated with the sights and sounds of Christmas. Within this consumer culture, it’s easy to confuse the season of Advent with the number of shopping days until December 25.
Continued hurricane recovery as well as the protection of land rights are key reasons that Presbyterian Mission Agency staff will travel to San Juan, Puerto Rico next month.