The All Agency Review Committee is spending three days – Jan. 22-24 – with its members sitting in a conference room at the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) national offices in downtown Louisville, figuring out what to include in their report to the 2018 General Assembly.
Hundreds of thousands of federal employees began the work week not sure if they would be going to the office or staying home on Monday. For those who did show up, it was unclear how long they would be there.
세례는 장로교인들이 행하는 두 가지 성례전 중 하나입니다. 성만찬이 다른 하나입니다. 세례의 행위는 믿을 수 없을 정도로 단순합니다. 그러나 소량의 물에는 신비하고 의미 있는 깊은 우물이 있습니다. 세례를 받을 때 우리는 그리스도의 제자로서 새로운 삶의 방식으로 부름을 받으며 기쁜 소식의 복음을 온 세상에 전합니다.
I still remember the first words from the first church leader I met as I first arrived in Manila: “You are welcome here, but you are not needed here.” Those words, spoken with wisdom and love almost two decades ago, would go on to shape the course of my time as a Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) in the Philippines. I didn’t know it then, but that same sentiment shaped the YAV program at its inception. And it continues to guide our current vision for the program as volunteers serve around the world and witness the holy ways the Spirit is leading them.
Sports encroaching on Sunday worship. Controversies over kneeling versus standing for the national anthem at football games. Praying before the big game. Americans are passionate about sports. But where does faith come into play on the playing field and in the pew?
La comisión Camino hacia Adelante de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.) se reunió hoy por segunda vez para refinar su informe a la 223a Asamblea General (2018) que se llevara a cabo en St. Louis este verano. Esta comisión, formada por la 222a Asamblea General (2016) en Portland, se le encargo «estudiar e identificar una visión de la estructura y función de las agencias de la Asamblea General del IPC (EE.UU.)».
미국장로교의 앞으로 나아갈 길 전권위원회 (The Way Forward Commission)는 오늘 올 여름 세인트 루이스에서 열리는 제223차 총회(2018) 회의 보고서를 수정하기 위해 3일간의 회의 중 두 번째 날로 만났다. 포틀랜드에서 열린 222차 총회(2016)에 의해 형성된 전권위원회는 "미국장로교 총회 기관의 구조와 기능에 대한 비전을 밝히고 식별하라"는 임무를 부여 받았다.
Fasting clergy and staff from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) joined with congregation and community members for a vigil at a Wendy’s restaurant in Louisville on Thursday. The witness was one of nearly five dozen taking place at Wendy’s restaurants across the U.S. on the National Day of Fasting and Witness. As many as 160 clergy and faith leaders took part in the fast.
The Way Forward Commission of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) met today for day two of a three-day meeting to refine its report to the 223rd General Assembly (2018) meeting in St. Louis this summer.
The Presbytery of East Virginia hopes to generate conversation around the issue of racism at its upcoming meeting this month. The Racial Dialogue Team of the presbytery’s Peacemaking Committee is inviting local churches and interested parties to the presbytery meeting on Saturday, January 27, at Providence Presbyterian Church in Virginia Beach.