La Junta Directiva de la Agencia Presbiteriana de Misión (PMA) anunció hoy que el Director Ejecutivo Interino Tony De La Rosa ha renunciado y David D. Crittenden lo remplazará como director ejecutivo interino.
It is the morning of 9/11 in 2017. The sun is up but the height of the Norris Cotton Federal Building, home of the regional office of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), blocks the sunlight from reaching its Chestnut Street entrance. In the shade a steady breeze makes the 57-degree temperature feel especially chilly.
Yet, small groups of people have dutifully gathered again, uniting for an 8:30 a.m. vigil and “Jericho Walk” in the largest city of this state famous for its motto “Live Free or Die.”
Among the interfaith clergy who regularly lead the seven-lap “Jericho Walk” is the Rev. Cindy Kohlmann, the Resource Presbyter for the presbyteries of Boston and Northern New England. She has been deeply involved in the vigil project begun by Arnie Alpert, Co-Director of American Friends Service Committee.
It’s called the Golden Triangle, a region about an hour and a half east of Houston. Most people had never heard of it until Hurricane Harvey. The communities in the triangle made national news when flooding cut off many residents from immediate help. Like many Texans impacted by Harvey, some homes saw minimal damage, while others had several feet of water. In the nearly three weeks since Harvey, residents have worked fast and furiously to try to return to some sense of normalcy. Churches in the area have become distribution centers for supplies such as water, diapers, food, cleaning materials and other necessities while trying to get worship and other church activities back on track.
What began as the St. Charles Avenue Branch of the First Presbyterian Church, renamed St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church (SCAPC) in 1920, has had a strong commitment to global ministries for more than a century.
The Office of the General Assembly (OGA) announced the hiring of two well-known Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) leaders to staff positions in its newly-reconfigured Mid Council Ministries area.
Laurie Griffith, currently OGA’s manager of judicial process and social witness policy, will assume a new role as Associate Director for Constitutional Interpretation.
The Rev. Tricia Dykers Koenig will be the new Associate Director for Mid Council Relations. Both will start their new jobs on September 18.
The National Council of Churches (NCC) will hold its 2017 Christian Unity Gathering on November 8-10 at the Sheraton Hotel in Silver Spring, Maryland, just outside Washington, D.C. This year’s theme is “Resilience, Resistance and Persistence.”
Traveling around the area, one may wonder if there was any damage at all from Hurricane Harvey. Crews have worked overtime to remove debris from the main roadways in the city, but travel 20 minutes to the south or east and you can see the evidence for miles. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance leaders joined local church leaders over the weekend to assess the damage left by several days of Harvey’s heavy rain.
Many of us have heard that the United States’ form of government was influenced by the practices and beliefs of Presbyterians who crossed the ocean to find religious freedom. Even today, our local municipal meetings and sessions of Congress mirror what takes place in church meeting rooms around the country as elected ruling elders seek to lead each congregation. While we may understand how the church influenced the form of government, we may not always know how traditional Reformed theology has influenced the beliefs that are the bedrock of the Constitution.
마르투리아 인도네시아 장로 교회의 마당에는 나무를 가지치기하고 솔질을 하는 가족들로 가득했다. 회원들은 가혹한 뉴 잉글랜드 겨울을 준비하고 있었다.
사실 그들의 마음 속에는 더 많은 것을 준비하고 있다.
뉴 잉글랜드의 이 지역에 있는 인도네시아와 브라질 공동체의 마르투리아Marturia 교인 및 다른 사람들은 이민 및 세관 집행(ICE)의 초점에 휩싸여 있다. 이 문제는 지난 1월 도널드 트럼프Donald Trump 대통령이 내부 이민 집행에 관한 집행 명령을 내렸을 때 시작됐다. 이 집행은 미국 내 이민 인구의 광범위한 부분에 우선 순위를 부여하고 오랫동안 확립된 검찰 재량 관행의 사용을 최소화 한다.
Mientras el Huracán Harvey todavía estaba en el suelo en Texas, el Programa Presbiteriana de Asistencia en Desastres (PDA) estaba preparándose para la próxima gran tormenta, el Huracán Irma. PDA ha estado ocupado continuamente con tormentas catastróficas en las últimas dos semanas.