En la sexta publicación de Conversaciones Teológicas del 2017, el ministerio de Teología, Formación y Evangelismo de la Iglesia Presbiteriana presenta «500 años y contando» presentada por el Rvdo. José Manuel Capella-Pratts, pastor de la Primera Iglesia Presbiteriana Hispana en Miami, Florida.
6월 25일은 대한민국에서 한국전쟁이 시작된 날입니다. 미국장로교회와 대한예수교 장로회(PCK, 통합)는 한반도 평화, 정의, 및 화해를 위한 기도의 시간에 초대합니다. 오는 6월 25일부터 제2차 세계 대전의 일본으로부터 해방된 8월 15일까지입니다.
여러 해 동안 미국장로교회와 한국장로교회(PCK) 지도자들은 한반도 평화를 기원하고 한반도의 평화와 번영을 위해 주요 역사적인 날짜인 6월 25일에서 8월 15일까지 각 교회 구성원과 관계자들에게 기도의 절기에 참여하자고 초대했습니다.
June 25 marks the beginning of the Korea War—in 1950—as understood in South Korea. For the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) it also marks the beginning of the “Season of Prayer and Reflection in the Korean Peninsula,” which runs until August 15, the day in 1945 when Korea was liberated from the Japanese occupation of WWII.
For a number of years, leaders from the PC(USA) and the Presbyterian Church in Korea (PCK) have called on members and friends of both churches to pray for peace on the Korean Peninsula and to engage in a season of prayer and reflection from the key historic dates of June 25 through August 15.
The Rev. Michael Gehrling has been hired as Northeast Region Associate for the 1001 New Worshiping Communities initiative of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) He begins his service August 6 by traveling to the “Living, Dying, Rising” annual 1001 New Worshiping Communities gathering in St. Pete Beach, Florida.
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has battled Ebola virus breakouts more than any other country in the world, with eight of the 25 global outbreaks recorded there. Since the first outbreak in 1995, Presbyterian mission co-worker Larry Sthreshley has worked on the front lines of the fight to crush the deadly epidemic and save lives.
Lo que vi hizo que la visita al museo valiera la pena para mí; llena de gracia y belleza, y no era parte de ninguna exhibición. Mi marido y yo fuimos al museo en un día libre, ¡lo que significaba que estaba lleno y concurrido! La gente estaba por todas partes. Las exposiciones de arte moderno, algunas de ellas interactivas, eran intrigantes y atractivas.
When the International Peacemakers begin their visits this fall in the U.S., churches will have a chance to hear about the life struggles of the people in Sri Lanka. Herman Kumara is a human rights defender who works primarily with food producers, specifically in small scale, marginalized fishing communities.
The Rev. Jerome Bizimana knows the work of forgiveness is “never easy.” This is especially true in Rwanda where 23 years ago, in April 1994, hatred between Hutu and Tutsi tribal groups led to genocide and the death of more than 800,000 Rwandans. Although it has been more than two decades, the wounds are still very much alive.
Michele Hendrix remembers the moment her life changed. Floating above her hospital bed, she saw her beloved pastor at Grace Presbyterian Church in Houston, praying for her. She was just 33 years old.
Noor arrived in Europe with two young children and without her husband. She left her home in Aleppo, Syria, two years earlier. Conditions made it impossible to live. Her family felt they had no other choice.