Once again, Holy One, we cry, how long, O Lord?
We wonder, when will it be enough?
We pray you will forgive our society which tolerates violence,
Our fearful xenophobia, and our willingness to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to words and deeds of intolerance.
Your LGBTQ people slaughtered in this horrific attack are our brothers, our sisters, our parents and our children, and this loss of life diminishes all the human family.
우리 미국 장로교는 6월 8일에 텔아비브 사로나 시장(Sarona Market)에서 사람들이 살해되고 부상을 입은 것에 대해 세계 도처의 사람들과 함께 깊은 슬픔과 아픔을 표합니다. 우리는 이 사건으로 인해 죽거나 부상을 당한 사람들의 가족들에게 깊은 애도의 마음을 전하며, 그 지역에 살고 있는 모든 사람들에게 영향을 미치고 있는 여러 형태의 폭력들을 종식시키기 위해 힘쓰고 있는 모든 사람들과 연대합니다.
En nombre de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.) unimos nuestras voces con personas de todo el mundo para expresar nuestro profundo dolor y angustia por la muerte y las lesiones causadas a las personas en el mercado Sarona en Tel Aviv el 8 de junio. Ofrecemos nuestras más profundas condolencias a las familias de los que fallecieron o están heridos en este incidente más reciente, y apoyamos a todas las personas que están trabajando para poner fin a la violencia que afectan a todos los que viven en la región.
In the name of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) we join our voices with people around the world in expressing our profound grief and deep distress over the killing and the injuring of people at Sarona Market in Tel Aviv on June 8th. We offer our deepest sympathies to the families of those who have been killed or injured in this most recent incident, and we stand with all who are working to bring an end to the patterns of violence that touch all those who live in the region.
We pray and work for a just and lasting peace in which all people in the Holy Land may live in freedom and without fear. To this end, we urge all parties to return to the negotiation table, working with renewed energy and determination to build two states in which there is self-determination and mutual respect. In the words of the Prophet Zechariah, (8:16–17)
One-stop shopping best describes the 2016 Guidebook app for the 222nd General Assembly (2016) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), which kicks off June 18 in Portland, Oregon.
It’s the place where assembly goers can get up-to-date information on all things GA, including the schedule, maps, restaurant details, and even worship bulletins, said Andrew Yeager-Buckley, program assistant for the PC(USA)’s General Assembly Meeting Service. And, it’s been updated since it was last used for the 2014 assembly, he said.
Eugene Carson Blake장학금에 새 생명이 주입되다
Howard Stikes, OGA 연락관
전환이 항상 부드럽게 이루어지지는 않으며, 그러한 과정에서 의도하지 않게 종종 중대한 자료들이 사라진다. Eugene Carson Blake 장학금이 그러한 경우이다.
이 장학금은 교회 리더십 분야에서 가능성을 보여주는 미국의 학생들이 스위스에 있는 Ecumenical Institute at Bossey에 가서 공부할 수 기회를 주기 위한 것이다. 이 장학금 수여자들은 4달간의 인텐시브 대학원 프로그램에 참여하게 되며, 이 프로그램은 그들에게 온갖 종류의 기독교 전통을 소개해 주고, 오늘날 교회가 직면하고 있는 에큐메니컬 및 선교의 도전들을 탐구하게 해줄 것이다.
하지만 수년 동안, 이 기관의 학장인 Dagmar Heller 박사는 어떤 지원서도 들어오지 않는 것을 관찰해왔다. 그녀는 “나는 누구도 Blake …
Weddings have become a billion-dollar industry, while recent years have seen dramatic shifts in attitudes toward marriage. Presbyterian pastor Kimberly Bracken Long suggests that these cultural changes have left pastors confused and frustrated about their role—and the role of the church—in weddings. She wrote From This Day Forward—Rethinking the Christian Wedding (Westminster John Knox Press) as a way to offer guidance to pastors and provide a foundational understanding of marriage for today’s church.
The immigration and refugee advocacy community has lost a co-laborer in the field with the untimely death of the Reverend Kelly S. Allen on June 5.
Allen, pastor and head of staff of University Presbyterian Church in San Antonio, Texas, was pronounced brain dead at 9:30 a.m. after suffering a hemorrhagic stroke Friday afternoon.
“The whole Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is holding University Presbyterian Church and Kelly’s family in prayer,” said the Reverend Gradye Parsons, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the PC(USA). “Our hearts are broken and our souls are wounded at this great loss. Kelly was such a strong witness for all we hold dear as Presbyterians. Her faith knew no depths. Her fear knew no obstacles. The life she lived was full of the grace of God that she generously shared with all of us.”
In the midst of another period of increased discussion about race relations in the United States, recent events have provoked not just a willingness to discuss issues of racism in this country but a desire to do something meaningful to confront it. At a time when many Christians are wondering what they can do, Race in a Post-Obama America: The Church Responds, (Westminster John Knox Press) provides not only the history behind the issue, but some ways of moving forward.