“Presbyterians sure like to fight!” Whether recounting the war stories of the Scottish Highlanders or the political battles of the most recent General Assembly meeting, Presbyterians have engaged in many a high-minded, ideological argument. Many of those battles have been incited by disagreements on how to interpret and respond to the teachings of Scripture.
Presbyterians take the Bible seriously; it is the defining document for their faith. However, the diverse forms and content found within many passages of Scripture have generated a broad range of interpretations.
[Español] [한국어] Committee leadership for the 222nd General Assembly (2016) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has been selected, taking the denomination one step closer to the biennial gathering that sets priorities for the church.
Thirteen committees will receive and act on business coming before the General Assembly, June 18–25, in Portland, Oregon. Each committee will be led by a moderator and vice moderator selected by Heath Rada, Moderator of the 221st General Assembly (2014).
An interactive, anime-style gaming app for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets has an extraordinary mission: to keep children and young adults, ages 11 to 14, from becoming victims of human traffickers. After two years in development, the Awareness Combats Trafficking (ACT) app will be available for free download in English and Spanish through iOS app store, Google Play, and Lifeboat-ACT.com, beginning February 21.
Beginning the next act of their lives, two retiring employees took time to reflect on their journey with the Synod of the Lakes and Prairies of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Diana Barber retired in January as associate executive for leadership development, and J. Jay Wilkinson will leave at the end of March after helping train the individual filling the synod’s new position of director of financial services.
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Board of Pensions and the Presbyterian Foundation have each received grants of $1 million as part of Lilly Endowment Inc.’s national initiative to address economic challenges facing pastoral leaders. The initiative supports a variety of religious organizations across the nation as they address the financial and economic struggles that can impair the ability of pastors to lead congregations effectively.
Seis de las trece personas que presentaron solicitudes completas para convertirse en Secretario(a) Permanente de la Asamblea General de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.) han sido invitados(as) a pasar al siguiente paso en el proceso, dijo la reverenda Carol McDonald, moderadora de la Comisión de Nominaciones para Secretario(a) Permanente (SCNC).
«Se presentaron trece personas increíbles con su experiencia, es simplemente sorprendente», dijo. «Hemos identificado seis personas que han sido invitados para entrevistas cara a cara».
The recent dedication of a Presbyterian Mission Garden containing three large rocks marked the centennial of Silliman University Church (1906-2016) in Dumaguete City in the Philippines.
Each year, on a Sunday during Lent, Presbyterians across the country take time to celebrate Self-Development of People (SDOP), a ministry of the One Great Hour of Sharing. Now in its 46th year, SDOP focuses on poor, oppressed and disadvantaged people by establishing partnerships with low-income community groups domestically and around the world.
규례서에는 안수 집사의 사역이 “긍휼과 증거와 섬김의 직분으로서, 가난한 자, 굶주린 자, 병든 자, 잃어버린 자, 외로운 자, 압제 받는 자, 부당한 정책들이나 제도에 억눌린 자, 그리고 괴로워하는 자들에게 예수 그리스도의 구속적 사랑을 나누는 것” (G-2.0201)으로 묘사되어 있다. 이것은 너무 버거운 요구이다! 게다가, 이전의 정치 형태는 당회의 책임을 설명할 때 “교회가 존재하고 증거하는 지역 사회들 안에서 성도들이 개인적이고 사회적 치유와 회복의 사역을 감당하도록 이끄는” 버거운 일 (tall order)을 사역 장로들의 임무에 포함시켰다(규례서 2009-11, G-10.01022g).
El Libro de Orden llama a los diáconos y diaconisas ordenados a un ministerio «de compasión, testimonio y servicio, compartiendo el amor redentor de Jesucristo por las personas pobres, hambrientas, enfermas, perdidas, solitarias, oprimidas, agobiadas por políticas y estructuras injustas, o a cualquiera que se encuentre en aflicción» (G-2.0201). ¡Qué tal responsabilidad! Adicionalmente, la forma anterior del gobierno, cuando describe las responsabilidades de un consistorio, incluido el cargo a los ancianos gobernantes de «guiar a la congregación en ministerios de sanidad personal y social, y de reconciliación en las comunidades en las cuales la Iglesia vive y da testimonio» (Libro de Orden, versión del 2009–11, G-10.0102g).