A group of pastors, teaching elders, and former young adult volunteers spent three days in Stony Point, New York, recently to find ways to connect congregations with the work of the church. The Special Offering Leader Support Network (SOLSN) educates churches about the impact of their gifts through the four PC(USA) Special Offerings: One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost, Peace & Global Witness, and Christmas Joy.
Beth Hayes, director of Congregational Ministries and Resources for the Moravian Church Southern Province, has been named 2016’s Educator of the Year by the Association of Presbyterian Church Educators (APCE).
On the second day of the 2016 Association of Presbyterian Church Educators (APCE) event—held here from January 27–30—the day’s worship leaders, speakers, and honorees all in their own way continued in a bold exploration of the disconnect between Jesus and the church.
Winging their way from Clinton, S.C. —home of Presbyterian College—to Chicago, Illinois, five students and their mentor, Dr. Rebecca L. Davis, could scarcely contain their enthusiasm.
If God is doing a new thing—in accordance with the theme from Isaiah 43 of this year’s Association of Presbyterian Church Educators (APCE) annual event—then God is surely doing it through the Rev. Otis Moss III.
For as long as any of them can remember, kids in the youth group at my churchthe First United Presbyterian Church of Crafton Heightshave had the opportunity to see how the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is connected with the church around the world in mission and service.
En Indianápolis, personas presbiterianas se reunieron con personas judías, musulmanas y otras cristianas para construir casas para indigentes y para combatir el hambre.
En la ciudad de Nueva York, personas judías y pastores/as presbiterianos/as han sido anfitriones para un estudio que reflexiona los diferentes lados del conflicto entre Israel y Palestina.
En Lithonia, Georgia, personas presbiterianas afroamericanas están escuchando y aprendiendo de los líderes de la Nación del Islam y de las religiones tradicionales africanas.
Estos ejemplos, compartidos en una reunión del Comité de la Asamblea General sobre Relaciones Ecuménicas e Interreligiosas (GACEIR) en Louisville, del 20 al 22 de …
에바스팀슨, OGA 연락담당자
인디애나폴리스에서, 장로교인들이 노숙자들을 위한 집들을 짖고 기아와 싸우기 위해 유대인들과 모슬렘들 및 다른 기독교인들과 함께 했다.
뉴욕 시티에서는 유대인들과 장로교인들이 이스라엘/팔레스타인 사이의 분쟁에 대한 다른 측면들을 고찰해보는 책 연구 모임들을 주선해 왔다.
조지아 주 Lithonia에서, 흑인 장로교인들이 이슬람 및 아프리카 전통 종교들을 갖고 있는 나라에서 온 리더들의 말을 경청하고 그들로부터 배우고 있다.
1월 20-22일 사이에 루이빌에서 열린 에큐메니컬 및 종교간 관계 총회 위원회 (the General Assembly Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations [GACEIR])모임에서 나눈 이러한 실례들은 미국 장로교 개체 교회들이 종교간 활동들에서 점점 …
Inspirado en el legado de paz del Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., cerca de 400 personas se congregaron en las bancas de una pequeña iglesia presbiteriana en las montañas del oeste de Carolina del Norte el día antes del cumpleaños de King para afirmar un llamado al amor, no al miedo, hacia las personas de otras religiones.
El evento del 17 de enero, que forma parte de un esfuerzo nacional para reducir la creciente brecha racial y religiosa que está dividiendo a los EE.UU., fue organizado por la Iglesia Presbiteriana Warren Wilson en Swannanoa, Carolina del Norte. Heath Rada, Moderador de la 221a Asamblea General (2014) de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.), y el Imam Mohamed Taha del Centro Islámico de Asheville (Carolina del Norte), hablaron en una conferencia de prensa seguida de un foro público de una hora.
Churches Uniting in Christ (CUIC), a body committed to expressing unity and combating racism together, will gather over the next days in St. Louis to explore issues of race and reconciliation.
The group, comprised of ten Christian communions, will meet January 28–30, primarily at St. Peter African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church. Worship, fellowship, and dialogue will punctuate the event, which is expected to set the tone and direction for the future of the organization.