Organizers of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Big Tent event are telling participants, and those not yet registered, to expect something entirely different at the upcoming July 30 – Aug. 1 event to be held on the campus of the University of Tennessee in Knoxville.
For the past 40 years, Maria Cordova Andrews has served the students and staff at Menaul School in Albuquerque, N.M. This year, she’ll celebrate her last graduation celebration at Menaul, as she retires from years of dedicated service to the students, staff and community.
First-call pastors fresh out of seminary with plenty of enthusiasm and desire looking for a congregation to begin their ministry. Small churches searching for a preacher to lead them in new and exciting directions. Seems like a match made, well, from heaven.
Stop what you are doing right now. Well, you don’t have to stop everything, but at least slow down. Maybe you need to stop some things and start others—but whatever you do, it should involve connections. Connections with real humans where you live and not video feeds, mass marketing, programs, automation or social media. Oh yeah, these real humans have stories and needs, so listen and respond.
The month of May has been rough for residents of Midwestern states following a series of tornadoes, severe storms and heavy flooding. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) has been closely monitoring the weather across the states of Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, eastern Kansas and western Missouri. Parts of Illinois and Colorado have been impacted by the recent storms as well.
The Rev. Betty Gilbert of Mount Vernon, N,Y., credits racial ethnic and women's leadership institutes with stirring within her the notion that she could and should take her ministry to the next level. Griffin participated in the inaugural Racial Ethnic Clergywomen's Leadership Institute and was a mentor in the African American Mentoring Program. She marveled that she had grown from mentee to mentor in three years.
On April 29, about an hour before her scheduled execution by firing squad for allegedly smuggling heroin into Indonesia five years ago, 30-year-old Mary Jane Veloso received a “temporary reprieve” by Indonesian President Joko Widodo.
The Chaldean Archdiocese of Erbil, Iraq, has experienced a significant makeover in less than nine months. Fr. Douglas Bazi has been assigned to the Erbil Chaldean congregation since shortly before August 2014. Up to that time the church property boasted a large garden area that provided a spectacular view for guests at the Karlovy Vary Hotel across the Street. Today, hotel guests discover an entirely different, yet no less spectacular sight.
Dear Jonathan,
I’m writing you this letter trusting that I will be around to see your first day of kindergarten, watch you graduate from high school, and be a part of every single step in-between (and after!). Writing to you during a time that you may or may not remember is important to me. I want you to know how you are an important part of my healing.
2014년에, 과테말라와 온두라스와 엘살바도르로부터 수천의 가족들이 피난처를 찾아 미국에 도착했습니다. 이러한 현상을 보면서 미국 정부는 남부 텍사스에 가족 구류 센터들을 개설하여 망명을 요구하는 가족들을 감금하는 비통한 결정을 내렸습니다. 하지만 믿음의 사람들과 양심을 지닌 사람들은 다른 결정을 내렸습니다. 그들은 폭력을 피해 도망온 가족들을 환영하기로 결심했습니다. 나는 감금이 아니라 환영을 선택한 수천의 사람들에게 감사하기 위해 이 글을 쓰고 있습니다.