La reunión de otoño del Comité de Educación Teológica (COET) -celebrada aquí del 21 al 23 de septiembre por Seminario Teológico McCormick y su presidente y miembro de COET, el Rvdo. Dr. FrankYamada- trabajó con una agenda cargada, destacada por un diálogo con el Moderador de la IP (EEUUA) Heath Rada. Rada, un anciano gobernante que, como presidente de la anteriormente denominada Escuela Presbiteriana de Educación Cristiana, ahora parte del Seminario Presbiteriano Unión, en Richmond, Va., sirvió en una ocasión en el COET, fue genuino en su afirmación de su misión.
Sr. Trump,
Soy el Secretario Permanente de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EEUUA), la denominación a la que pertenece la congregación en Queens, Nueva York, donde usted fue bautizado. La Iglesia Presbiteriana (EEUUA) desarrolla sus políticas a través de los concilios de ancianos/as docentes y ancianos/as gobernantes. A nivel nacional esto se realiza a través de la Asamblea General. Me gustaría compartir con usted las políticas presbiterianas sobre refugiados e inmigrantes.
At least nine people are reported dead in the latest update from South Carolina officials following this weekend’s torrential rains. The historic storm dumped six to 24 inches of rainfall across the state. Meteorologists are calling it a “1,000 year storm,” saying it had a one in 1,000 chance of ever happening. The heavy rains were the result of tropical moisture generated by Hurricane Joaquin, spinning out in the Atlantic Ocean.
For nearly three-quarters of a century, the United Nations has provided member states an opportunity to make significant changes in the lives of individuals across the world. What began on October 24, 1945, continues to this day, and the Presbyterian Church has been present from the beginning.
This summer, Rachel-Grace Breyer spent 10 weeks in Los Angeles as a 1001 New Worshiping Communities intern discerning God’s next call on her life. She’s now returned to her home in the Phoenix metropolitan area and is taking the first steps in what she hopes will become a new worshiping community.
El Rev. Dr. Antonio Aja, moderador del Caucus Hispano Latino, ha enviado una nota, felicitando el nombramiento de Tony De La Rosa como director ejecutivo interino de la Agencia Presbiteriana de Misión.
In this time of change and uncertainty for the denomination, Grace Presbytery in central and northeast Texas has decided to invest in the future of the church by donating $2.85 million to Presbyterian World Mission. The presbytery met and voted Thursday afternoon on a comprehensive proposal to strengthen mission through leadership development, seminary education, Hispanic outreach, the Young Adult Volunteer program and mission co-workers.
Mr. Trump,
I am the Stated Clerk of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the denomination of the congregation in Queens, New York, where you were baptized. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) develops its policies through councils of teaching elders and ruling elders. At the national level it does that through the General Assembly. I would like to share with you the Presbyterian policies on refugees and immigrants.
Once again, the nation finds itself reeling from another mass shooting. Authorities in Roseburg, Oregon are still investigating what led a 26-year-old man to open fire at the Umpqua Community College, killing nine people and injuring at least seven others in the remote northwestern community. The shooter, identified as Chris Harper Mercer, was killed by police during the rampage.
One short week following the fall meeting of the Committee on Theological Education (COTE), the Rev. Paul Timothy Roberts Sr., president of Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary (JCSTS) in Atlanta, was still in a reflective place.