To practice the spiritual disciplines of solitude and silence, PC(USA) pastor B. J. Woodworth goes away to a monastery once a year. On his most recent visit, he found himself incredibly restless.
Stated Clerk Gradye Parsons shares his views on immigration and the church's response to it from the United States-Mexico border:
Hello my name is Gradye Parsons. I’m the Stated Clerk of the General Assembly, and here I am in Sasabe, Arizona with other colleagues as we are looking at the wall that separates the United States and Mexico and reflecting upon immigration, a concern that’s deep in the hearts of many Presbyterians, and especially in these days as the president has signed a new order and as we are debating this issue as a country.
Church partners in Sudan and South Sudan have asked for prayers for two pastors, Rev. Yat Michael and Rev. Peter Yen, who have been detained without charge in Sudan’s capital, Khartoum.
Este día, como personas de fe que creemos en un Dios de sanidad y restauración, oramos por la ciudad de París y todos los que habitan en ella. Denunciamos los actos de violencia sin sentido y el terrorismo que han tenido lugar en los últimos días allí, y buscamos la justicia para las víctimas inocentes que han perdido sus vidas y a los ciudadanos que han sido llevados al miedo. Del mismo modo, condenamos el antisemitismo que fue parte de estos ataques, y a cualquier organización que busque infligir terror en nombre de la religión. Hoy y en los próximos …
El reverendo Syngman Rhee, ministro presbiteriano, profesor de seminario, y líder respetado en la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.) y ampliamente en la comunidad de fe, murió el 14 de enero en Atlanta, poco después de ser diagnosticado con una forma agresiva de cáncer. Tenía 83 años.
Elegido en el año 2000 como Moderador de la Asamblea General de la IP(EE.UU.), Rhee fue el primer asiático-americano que sirvió en esa posición. También se desempeñó como presidente del Consejo Nacional de Iglesias desde el 1992 hasta el 1993.
«Syngman fue un discípulo incansable de Jesucristo», dijo el reverendo Gradye Parsons, Secretario Permanente de …
미국 장로교가 전 미국 장로교 총회장 및 에큐메니칼 리더의 죽음을 애도하다
장로교 총회 사무국
장로교 목사이며, 세미너리 교수이며, 미국 장로교와 여러 신앙 공동체들에서 존경받는 리더이신 이 승만 목사께서 급속도로 진행되는 형태의 암 진단을 받은 지 얼마되지 않아 애틀란타에서 1월 14일에 소천하셨다. 향년 83세였다.
2000년에 미국 장로교 총회장으로 선출된 이 승만 목사는 아시안 어메리칸으로서는 처음으로 그 자리에서 섬겼다. 그는 또한 1992-1993년까지 내셔널 교회 협의회(NCC)의장으로 섬기기도 했다.
미국 장로교 총회 정서기인 그래디 파슨스는 “이승만 목사님은 지칠줄 모르는 예수 그리스도의 제자였습니다. 그는 한국 전쟁으로 인한 절망적인 상황에서 일어나 선교 분야에서 세계적인 리더가 되셨습니다. 그는 겸손한 마음을 지니신 믿음의 거인이었습니다”라고 회고했다.
이 승만 목사는 …
Pope Francis on Thursday (Jan. 15) condemned last week’s terrorist attack on the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo but warned there were limits on freedom of expression.
Speaking to journalists as he flew from Sri Lanka to the Philippines on a weeklong visit to Asia, the pope said freedom of expression was a “fundamental human right” and stressed that killing in the name of God was an unacceptable “aberration.”
For residents of the Presbyterian Village North assisted-living facility in Dallas, the joy of helping others extends well beyond the holiday season. Every week, residents team up to support the Wilkinson Center, a local nonprofit that helps clients move out of poverty toward self-sufficiency and fuller lives.
Ten Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) campus ministries — 14 if you count the ecumenical ministries—have each received a $100,000 Campus Ministry Initiative Grant from the Lilly Endowment.
Before Katrina Woodworth started practicing spiritual disciplines she was suffering from post-partum depression. She had four young children at home, including newborn twin boys, and a long family history of anxiety and depression.