United Methodist Bishop Martin D. McLee of New York on March 10 announced he was dropping a case against a retired seminary dean who officiated at his gay son’s 2012 wedding and called for an end to church trials for clergy who violate the denomination’s law on ministering to gays.
“…당신은 주의 백성을 돌보고, 그들의 예배와 양육과 봉사를 위해 섬기는 신실한 사역 장로가 되겠습니까?”(W-4.4003i[1]). 미국 장로교의 사역 장로들은 안수를 받거나 위임을 받을 때 그들이 섬기는 교회의 예배를 위해 특별한 책임을 질 것이라고 약속한다. 이것은 사역 장로들이 신앙 공동체의 영적 리더들, 즉 “지혜와 성숙한 믿음을 가진 자들, 탁월한 지도력을 가진 자들, 긍휼한 마음을 지닌 자들” (G-2.0301)이라는 우리의 이해 때문이다. 따라서, 사역 장로들은 하나님께서 그들에게 주신 영적 은사들을 십분 발휘하면서 예배 시간에 정기적인 역할들을 맡는 것이 바람직하다.
Glory to God: The Presbyterian Hymnal[장로교 찬송가](Westminster John Knox Press, 2013)은 예배 인도자들인 사역 장로들 (과 집사들)을 위한 많은 기회들을 제시한다. …
«…¿Será usted un anciano o anciana gobernante fiel, cuidando del pueblo, proveyendo para su adoración, educación y servicio?» (W-4.4003i[1]). Cuando los/as ancianos/as docentes son ordenados o instalados en la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.), ellos prometen tomar una responsabilidad especial hacia la adoración de la congregación a la que sirven. Esto se debe a que nosotros entendemos que los/as ancianos/as gobernantes son líderes espirituales en la comunidad de fe, «personas de sabiduría y madurez en la fe, habiendo demostrado habilidades en el liderazgo y siendo compasivas en el espíritu» (G-2.0301). Por ende, es apropiado que los/as ancianos/as gobernantes tengan una participación regular …
[Spanish] [Korean] “…Will you be a faithful ruling elder, watching over the people, providing for their worship, nurture, and service?” (W-4.4003i[1]). When ruling elders in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) are ordained or installed, they promise to take special responsibility for the worship of the congregation they serve. This is because we understand ruling elders to be spiritual leaders in the community of faith, “persons of wisdom and maturity of faith, having demonstrated skills in leadership and being compassionate in spirit” (G-2.0301). Accordingly, it is fitting for ruling elders to have regular roles in worship, making good use of the spiritual gifts God has given them.
A committee of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has approved a paper affirming the church’s commitment to interfaith relationships, while also commending two congregations and two individuals for outstanding ecumenical and interfaith service.
At its January meeting, the General Assembly Committee on Ecumenical and Interfaith Relationships (GACEIR) voted to recommend “The Interreligious Stance of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)” for approval as a policy statement by the 221st General Assembly (2014).
Growing religious freedom and a vibrant religious community, as well as strong relationships between Cuban and U.S. churches, mean that the decades-long U.S. embargo against Cuba needs to end, Cuban and U.S. religious leaders told policymakers in Washington last month
Singing the hymns of the church gives congregations not just words about God’s “mighty acts” but “has something to teach us in our very bodies about the workings of God’s grace,” theologian Martha Moore-Keish told a crowd of more than 200 gathered at Harvey Browne Memorial Presbyterian Church here for the sixth and final formal celebration of the new Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) hymnal, Glory to God.
Recovery from a disaster event requires a “whole community” approach, and Illinois’ tornado-battered Champaign and Massac counties are no exception.
Nearly a year and a half after Hurricane Sandy, the work of rebuilding in Bergen County, N.J., still seems daunting and never-ending. But the contributions of one small church have made a world of difference.
The Presbyterian Publishing Corporation (PPC) is revitalizing its benevolence programs, providing resources for international seminaries, newly ordained teaching elders, new worshiping communities/church developments, and for churches recovering from disaster.