Today, after many long years, we welcome the historic steps taken by President Obama on normalizing diplomatic relations with Cuba. The humanitarian release of Alan Gross by the Cuban government along with the release of the three Cuban prisoners, Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero, and Ramón Labañino, by the Obama administration moves the roadblocks that have held back progress in improving relations between our two countries for far too long.
Sarang Kang and Jae Cho are Korean American young adult leaders living out their call to minister with young adults in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) asks that everyone hold the people of Pakistan in their thoughts and prayers following the attack on the school in Peshawar. Pray for the children and adults who were killed and for the family, friends, teachers, and schoolmates who grieve for them.
A high number of plants and animals occur naturally only in Madagascar, an island nation off the coast of southeast Africa. Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) mission co-worker Dan Turk believes that Christians have a responsibility for preserving creation, as written in Genesis 2:15: “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.”
The 17 youth about to arrive for a retreat sponsored by the Presbytery of Northern New England and the Presbytery of Boston were in for big surprise.
지금이 당회들이 조금 힘들어 하며 신음하는 시간이다. 통계를 내야 하는 계절이기 때문이다. 당회 연례 통계 보고 (SASR)에 관해 가장 자주 하는 질문들 중의 하나는 “왜?”라는 것이다. 간단한 대답은 이것이다. 규례서는 해마다 교회들에게 통계들을 노회에 제출할 것을 규정하고 있으며 (G-3.0302e), 총회는 노회들에게 그들에게 속한 교회들에 관한 특정한 데이터를 수집하라고 지시하기 때문이다.
Es esa época del año cuando las sesiones comienzan a quejarse un poco. Es el tiempo de hacer estadísticas. Una de las preguntas más frecuentes relacionadas con el Informe estadístico anual de sesiones (SASR) es « ¿Por qué?» La respuesta más corta es porque el Libro de Orden de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.) exige a las iglesias a presentar estadísticas anualmente al presbiterio (Libro de Orden, G-3.0302e) y la Asamblea General ordena a los presbiterios recoger datos específicos acerca de sus iglesias.
<한국어> <Espaňol> It’s that time of year when sessions groan a bit. It’s statistics season. One of the most frequently asked questions regarding the Session Annual Statistical Report (SASR) is “Why?” The short answer, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Book of Order requires churches to submit statistics annually to the presbytery (Book of Order, G-3.0302e) and the General Assembly mandates presbyteries to collect specific data about their churches.
The film Exodus: Gods and Kings is upon us. Released Dec. 12, it is bound to be a blockbuster with director Ridley Scott at the helm, so now is a good time to look back and see how in the past Hollywood has turned Moses into a movie star.
Condenamos de la manera más fuerte posible el ataque brutal contra los fieles en la sinagoga del barrio de ortodoxo judío de Har Nof en Jerusalén a manos de terroristas palestinos el 18 de noviembre del 2014. Las lesiones resultantes, incluyendo la muerte de cuatro de los reunidos para la adoración, son actos inadmisibles que agravan las peligrosas tensiones, ya que afectan a la ciudad santa, y empujan lejanamente las perspectivas de una solución pacífica en el futuro de los problemas más grandes de la paz entre Israel y Palestina.
Aplaudimos la rápida condena de los asesinatos por el presidente …